Operate home appliances that support infrared remote control all at once with a smartphone app Buy "eRemote 5" without hesitation!

Operate home appliances that support infrared remote control all at once with a smartphone app Buy "eRemote 5" without hesitation!

I don't know how many remote controls I have in my house anymore. Home appliances are flooded, many of which are compatible with remote controls. Home Appliance Watch introduces IoT and smart houses, and posts new product information on home appliances with built-in Wi-Fi. But in reality, it's not something that can be replaced with a new product.

赤外線リモコン対応の家電を、まとめてスマホアプリで操作「eRemote 5」は迷わず買い!

Therefore, I've always wanted to introduce a smart remote controller. It enables home appliances that support infrared remote control, such as air conditioners and lights, to be operated with a dedicated smartphone app or voice.

Similar smart remote controls have been released by several manufacturers, but this time I tried using Link Japan's "" equipped with a temperature / humidity sensor.

Manufacture name LinkJapan
product name
Actual selling price 6,800 yen
The back of the smart remote control body that enables you to operate home appliances that support infrared remote control with the app.The size fits in the palm of your hand. USB terminal for power supply and reset button The included USB cable for charging is equipped with a temperature / humidity sensor.