Organic EL Regza "X8900K" compatible with 4K120p. Buy the 48-inch Android version!?

Organic EL Regza "X8900K" compatible with 4K120p. Buy the 48-inch Android version!?

This year, many Japanese manufacturers released HDMI 2.1 compatible TVs. Among them, REGZA introduced 2 series 7 models in organic EL and 4 series 15 models in liquid crystal, claiming "Regza's largest abundant lineup in history".

4K120p compatible organic EL REGZA

This time's big screen mania picks up the smallest size 48 type from the 4K organic REGZA "X8900K" series equipped with Android TV. Some online stores sell the lowest price of 150,000 yen, and the reason why we picked up the most affordable organic EL REGZA this season.

Even so, the price of organic EL TVs has become quite affordable.

Article index

Appearance: Lightweight body with a non-glossy display surface. Powerful sound performance ・Interface: Supports 4K 120Hz input with HDMI 2.1 specifications ・Game-related functions: Delay at 120Hz input is the fastest in the industry at 0.83ms ・Operation: UI greatly changed with Android TV. My Choice is convenient even when the maniac display disappears ・Image quality check: Broadcast and UHD BD have stable quality. The image quality of the net video is also good ・Summary: Organic EL "X8900K" and liquid crystal "Z670K", which REGZA do you choose?