Precautions for using smart plugs learned from mistakes and the current status surrounding smart home appliances

Precautions for using smart plugs learned from mistakes and the current status surrounding smart home appliances


 In the "Everyone's Mobile Phone" published on January 27, there were many mistakes in the use of the smart plug introduced by the author, and many have been pointed out. [See another image about this article] In the article, we introduced a kotatsu to the Alexa -compatible smart plug "Amazon Smart Plug" and turned on and off remotely. However, this is prohibited by the Electrical Appliance Safety Law because of the risk of a fire or other accident. This is specified in the "important information" and instructions enclosed in the product package, including the Amazon product page. Although the article has already been alerted, I would like to apologize again for the fact that the incorrect information was transmitted due to the confirmation and lack of awareness of the author. The manufacturer, Amazon, asked for the correct usage of smart plugs, and received a letter from Hiroshi Tachibana, Director of the Amazon Device Division Echo and Smart Home Device Division. ■ The Amazon person's answer is "Amazon Smart Plug" is a product that supports voice assistant Amazon Alexa and can operate the power on / off of connected home appliances from Alexa -equipped devices such as the Amazon Echo series. The feature is that it can be easily set with Alexa app only for Amazon genuine, and it can be easily introduced, such as unnecessary application installation. When asked about what to keep in mind when using it, we gave detailed answers as follows, as well as how to check the available products and products that are prohibited from connecting and remote control by the Electrical Appliance Safety Law. Amazon Smart Plug allows you to switch on / off the power supply of home appliances with physical switches with Alexa. It does not support power operations, such as home appliances with electronic control switches (for example, home appliances that need to be turned on with a remote control after connecting to an outlet). In order to check if your home appliances are supported, the outlet is removed with the home appliance turned on, and the one that turns on again when the outlet is inserted is supported. In addition, when rewriting the outlet, please wait for 10 seconds for safety. Please note that the Electrical Appliance Safety Law is prohibited from connecting specific electrical products to this product and remotely operating by audio. For example, it cannot be used to connect to electric stoves, heaters, kotatsu, electric blankets such as electric blankets and electric stoves, coffee makers, electric kettle, hair iron curlers, futon dryers, etc. The Electrical Appliance Safety Law is to regulate the manufacturing and sales of electrical products, and to ensure the safety of electrical products, to prevent the development of business operators by promoting business operators and prevent the occurrence of disability. It is a set law. ■ Regarding the Electrical Appliance Safety Law this time, there were quite a few voices saying that not only smart plugs, but also "connected" smart appliances, "I do not know what is OK and what is NG." The Electrical Appliance Safety Law is a law for business operators, but as a user, there should be no loss in knowing the current state of smart home appliances. With that in mind, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced on April 28, 2021. This guideline says, "Measures to ensure safety, not only for incorrect operations, but also for the risks assumed to be used in the Internet environment. In order to "take", it is summarized by considering what you need. The classification of "devices that allow remote control / unsuitable devices that are not suitable for remote control" and their concept are also summarized. ■ According to Mr. Yoshihiro Kamizawa of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Industrial Information Policy Group Safety Division, the guidelines took about three years since 2018, and the study groups by outside experts. This is a summary of the contents that have been examined by installing a working group by industry organizations. It was discussed what kind of risks could be caused by "connected" and what requirements were required to reduce risk. For example, the concept of classifying a "unsuitable device that is not suitable for remote control" is summarized as follows. "The operating person touches the device by touching the hand and operates the device to achieve the function and role of the device," "burns when touched the surface of the device, and is injured when touching the movable part. For equipment, "exposure is exposed" and "the risk of danger by remote control" is not suitable for remote control, considering the location, usage, usage time, and the effects on the device. There is also the risk of harm to nearby people and surroundings. Equipment that operates in a state where people pay attention to "devices that do not perform remote control are basically organized. (Omitted) For example, in electrical products, ironing, sewing machines, hair care equipment, and most cooking equipment are included in "unsuitable devices for remote control." Guidelines on the way of ensuring safety due to IoT, etc. of products such as electric supplies and gas products (I summarize the author) "Devices that operate in a state where people's precautions are open (made like)". It is basically not suitable for remote control, as it is premised that people will deal with it. ■ Vacuum cleaner and robot vacuum cleaner are different? The "Survey on Survey on Safety of Industrial Security, etc. (Trends Survey on Survey on Safety by IoT, etc. of which electrical products, etc.)" announced in conjunction with the guidelines A example of products is also introduced. For example, a general vacuum cleaner is a device that operates in a state where people's attention is open, so it is classified as a device that is not suitable for remote control, but a robot vacuum cleaner is "devices that operate in a state where people are not careful. So, it is classified as a device that tolerates remote control. Rather than just letting go, it is also being considered a remote control of the remote control, such as a robot vacuum cleaner involving electric stoves cords. In consideration of the possibility of moving unintentionally, preparing a switch to separate the main power supply switch and communication, the design of preventive safety functions such as avoiding obstacles, and alerts in manuals to reduce risks. And so on. "While home appliances and gas products are connected and convenient, it is important to ensure consumer safety even if there is a malfunction, communication blocking due to remote control, or cyber attacks. We want people to make products with various risks, as well as alert them, and we want consumers to look through the instructions. The only thing I don't want to be misunderstood is that this guideline does not prevent the evolution of IoTization. Currently classified products that are not suitable for remote control, the evolution of technology and consumer awareness. We believe that it may change in the future. "(Mr. Kamizawa) The guidelines and rules may change in the future due to the innovation of the product and the change in the usage scene. However, for safety, the user must understand the advantages and disadvantages of "connected" and use it correctly. I reflected on the fact that I did not read the instructions properly.

Mobile Watch, Yuriko Ota

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