Ling he delivered a speech at the regular meeting of the first Takamachi Council in four years.

Ling he delivered a speech at the regular meeting of the first Takamachi Council in four years.

Today, the first Takamori Town Assembly regular meeting was held here today, and thank you very much for your busy attendance at the end of the year.

First of all, in the Mayor of Takamori, which was held in January, we will be responsible for the second term.We would like to thank the townspeople who have been able to rent this place and support me for four years, and thank you for your cooperation and cooperation for the next four years.

Well, this is the first parliament for me.

I would like to talk about a part of the manifest (promise) that will be promoted in the last four years.

The population of Takamori -cho has increased until the latter half of Heisei, but the population declines and the declining birthrate and aging population are increasing.However, when compared to the population decline rate of the entire region, Takamori -cho is the side that stops it, and the population in April 3rd is 13..9 %, second place in the prefecture. However, it is undeniable that the tendency of a society that respects the change of life style and the individual's thoughts has reduced the awareness of "responsibility" and "burden" in the area for people to help and live. As a result, a major change in society that has cherished mutual assistance, such as a decline in the subscription rate of residents' associations, a capacity of fire brigade members, and a shortage of traditional performing arts. Furthermore, in this area, the Linear Chuo Shinkansen and the Sannan Shinshin Expressway are expected to shorten the time distance from the Tokyo metropolitan area, but to make use of high -speed transportation networks in the region, and new developments accompanying them. We have various issues such as land use and maintenance of landscape. In addition, we are worried that the epidemic of new colon viral infections for more than two years may be retreating the town development, taking the opportunity, events, and pleasures of local residents.

"Town development" is also a response to such a social change, and we believe that everyone living in the community loves the hometown, respects connections and friends, and acts as a local leader.For four years since I was taken care of as the mayor, I cherished dialogue and interaction with everyone in Corona, and has been focusing on community development and local human resource development programs.The number of people who gradually cooperate with these initiatives has increased, and I feel that the circle is spreading.And I realize that the leading role of town development is still the townspeople.In order to support Takamori -cho and promote healthy towns in anticipation of the new era of the linear, everyone needs the "power" and "action".

Against this background, in the second term of the town administration, I aimed for the future image of the town, "Machi where you want to be you want to be -Japan best town Takamori-", and continued "human resource development rooted in the area" manifest (promise).I put it on the pillar.

Knowing that children who will be responsible for the future of the town are loved and loved not only by families, but also by local and town other words, it is important that many people are involved in school sites.Until now, through community schools and regional cheering squads, elementary schools have been enhanced to “regional exploration activities” and junior high schools have been enhanced.At the same time, we have learned many proposals for towns and employees, studying the town's efforts, issues, and businesses for the future for the Mirai Conference.In the future, we will continue and enhance these initiatives, and in addition to the elementary and junior high schools, we will cooperate with the school sites to promote the transition from proposal type to practical type.

In addition, we will promote the maintenance of the Agri Exchange Center as a town development base facility.On top of that, the function of "Shinshu Taramari Hot and Elementary School", which is active at the Agri Exchange Center, can be improved from lecture -type classes to hands -on classes, and can be a leader in the future town development.We will establish a "Mirai Management School" so that you can implement events with "in charge, and local organizations, and advice your activities.And everyone who gather here builds a system related to local children.

Regarding the "town development activity subsidy for towns and public body" to support the activities of the local community, the system can provide continuous support to businesses without profitability within a frame of 1 % of the townsman tax.While reviewing, we will promote the participation of business -desired organizations to participate in heat and elementary schools, and work on training for many organizations.

The opening of the 2028 Linear Chuo Shinkansen is the biggest issue for the region.The shortening of the time distance from the Tokyo metropolitan area is also a chance for many people to know the goodness of this area, but also has the risk of being sucked by straw phenomena.Thanks to you, Takamori Town is close to the center of the Minami -Shinshu area, and there are some conditions for living, such as medical care, welfare, child care, education, housing, and shopping, but the leisure facilities and various forms that the current generation enjoy.I have to say that the work environment where I can work in is weak.

The "Tenryu River Kawamachi Development", which is planned in Yamabukigawara, has been decided as a venue for Nagano National Athletic Meet, Canoe Competition, and Beach Valley Competition held in 2028, along with the national plan certification. This place is to work with a soccer field around the firefly park, which is currently being planned, a clubhouse with an indoor exercise facility, and a private business operator to develop sports and bustling sports centered on outdoors. We will proceed with everyone, along with wonderful property such as the nature, landscape, culture, etc. of Inaya, as well as wonderful assets such as hospitality. Furthermore, under the Urban Planning Law, the entire Yamabuki Shimogawawara is an area where the entire Yamabuki Shimogawahara investment in the Yamabuki Shimogawara as a region where the entire Yamabuki Shimogawawara is ordered to invest in the Yamabuki area for the time being. We will start working with Nagano Prefecture to examine the procedures.

Zkoji Smart Interchange, which opened last year, has more than 30,000 units per month because of its good location between Matsukawa and Iida Interchange.It is important to complete the mounting road to the upper row, which is constructed by Iida City during the 4th year, and it is important to have a close role in the nearby Takamori Onsen "Yuga -dai no Museum" as a base for wide -area sightseeing.。Therefore, a visitor center will be set up in Takamori Onsen so that everyone who visits this area can provide local attractions and experience -type travel products, promoting not only the town but also the entire Minamishinshu area, promoting customers.Aim to make it.

The manufacturing industry, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and civil engineering, which supports this area, is impossible to introduce teleworks, and it is difficult to be selected as a place where modern people work.However, these are important industries that support human life.It is also important to attract companies that increase options as a place to work in this area, but in such an industry, it is a job that can be a workplace that can understand child care and nursing care and have time and room, eliminating the shortage of human resources.It is a means to do.First of all, we will support businesses that will eliminate waste and increase efficiency based on the project challenge conducted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and consider creating a workplace that is easy to work with with business operators.

In the past four years, Takamori -cho has been evaluated by many people inside and outside the town that it has become well. Rather than the fact that the government's system has changed significantly from now, even if it is a trivial event, we tried to have various media pick -up, budget public assessment, public measures evaluation meeting, workshop, etc. The round -table conference has analyzed that the dialogue with the townspeople has increased and the sense of distance between the townspeople and the government office. In the future, we will continue and develop these initiatives, strive for easy -to -understand and easy -to -understand administrative management, and to realize manifests (promise), the same perspective as the townspeople, "Happiness". We will listen to the voice, look at the site, and act with everyone for the "future of Takamori -cho and Inaya", so please understand and cooperate.

(COVID-19 infection)

The trend of the new colon virus infection has already been more than two years.Until now, the spread of infection has been repeated, and now the "sixth wave" with new Omicron shares has swept around the world.As of the end of February, the average new positive nationwide is around 70,000 per day per day, but the decline is gradually decreasing.The number of severely ill people is about 1,500 per day, and the number of deaths is about 250, all of which are not allowed to produce peak hours.However, the percentage of infected number is considered to be much lower than the new Coronavirus or influenza up to the fifth wave.

New positive people in Nagano Prefecture are about 400 people, and the decrease is faster than the whole country.

In Takamori -cho, 99 people have been confirmed to be positive from January 7 to February 22, and the cumulative infected person is 120.We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the infected people and those who are still under medical treatment.Come here and the Minami -Shinshu area, including Takamori Town, is changing to a slightly calm situation.

Currently, in 31 prefectures, including Nagano Prefecture, the “Painting Measures for Prevention” continues on the deadline until March 6.It has been reported that the government has begun considering the three areas of Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya in an extension of about two weeks, but if the decline continues, Nagano Prefecture will be released on March 6.It is expected to be.

At the end of the fiscal year, many people can reach important milestones in life, such as graduation, entrance, employment, and it is also an important time to change executives even in autonomous organizations.Based on the characteristics of Omicron stocks, which have a very short period of time from increased virus to decrease, if you try to prevent infections such as wearing, hand washing, finger disinfection, and three -densel, we will try to prevent infection at the end of the year.・ We believe that it is possible to carry out social activities, and in the town, almost all public facilities and physical education facilities can be used for up to 2 hours from February 21.

On the other hand, under the prolonged Corona evil, businesses such as eating and drinking services and sightseeing are very strict business conditions.Therefore, as the second installment following last year's lunch box, a souvenir business operator who is affected by the significant shrinking tourism consumption, such as travel, is a support market that collects products.We will be able to help you for two days, March 5th and 6th.

In addition, we have a take -out delivery campaign until March 18, which supports the use of take -out of the establishments and delivered by taxi to support transportation businesses.

Under these circumstances, the Japanese women's curling "Loco Solare", which won the Silver Medal at the winter Beijing Olympics the other day, manufactured "Dorayaki", which is manufactured by Tsujaya Confectionery Co., Ltd. in Yamabuki during the match.It was a very popular reputation because it was found to have eaten.Tsuya Confectionery has heard that inquiries, media coverage, and orders have been flooded since the press, and that production has been increased.

In the five northern villages of Shimoina, the third new Corona vaccine addition has started at the end of last year.Since the end of last year, we have been inoculation in medical professionals, entertainers for the elderly since January, and the elderly.As of the end of February, there were 2,853 inoculation and 22 of the residents..0 %, 2,285 elderly people aged 65 and over, 55.6 %.The third time can be vaccinated after the second time, regardless of age or occupation.The town sends vaccination tickets to everyone who has been six months every Friday.The third additional vaccination uses almost the same number of Pfizer and Modela vaccines, and both vaccines do not have a significant difference in their effects and side reactions.It doesn't matter which vaccine you have been inoculated by the second time.If you receive a vaccination ticket at hand, please make a reservation at an empty medical institution without sticking to the type of vaccine.In addition, the Nagano Prefectural venue in Iida City Esbird has a vacant space in the first half of March, so if you wish to be early inoculation, please consider it.

Regarding the new Coronavirus pediatris in Tokyo, which has already begun in Tokyo, the Japanese Society of Pediatric Society makes it important for the surrounding adults to be vaccinated in order to protect children from new colonaviruses. Children with basic diseases say that healthy children are more than 12 years of age, as well as those who prevent severe illness. Pediatric vaccination is not a so -called effort obligation of the Vaccination Law. In a family where the children are coming, we would like you to talk about vaccination and consult with your doctor who knows the condition of your child. Even in pediatrics, five northern villages in the northern part of Shimoina will cooperate to establish a vaccination system. At this time, the system has not been determined, such as the vaccination time or inoculation hospital, but we will guide you individually as soon as the details are decided.

We will continue to provide some subsidies for antigen quantity inspection expenses with the aim of reducing the concerns of infections such as medical care, nursing care, and disabilities, the users, return students and students, etc. and can live in the community with peace of mind.I am.In the 3rd year of the third year, as of the end of February, about 1200 people have been inspected by this subsidy.Antigen quantity tests are more expensive than qualitative test kits, but are highly accurate tests.We will continue to provide necessary inspection support while watching the infection status.

In this way, in the town, we have combined power with the country and prefectures to provide many measures and support.However, unless the infection is controlled for a certain degree and the life style under that condition is not accepted, it will eventually be a fundamental breakthrough.In this town, while receiving a mandate prevention measure, the mature mature measures for the townspeople are increasing, and the progress of vaccination has made certain controls, resulting in large -scale collective infection and remarkable infection.The spread of infection has been reduced.There is a time to regain socio -economic activity with ingenuity and cooperation without being confident in this experience and achievements, without loosening infection measures.We would like to ask the townspeople to consider new lifestyles in various places, such as home, community, and workplaces, and participate in society.

(Development project around Yamabuki Park Park)

We have been studying the use of the site of the site of the site of the Yamabuki Park Park with the information that the playground that was operated in the area last year will be closed. Considering the characteristics of the surrounding area, we examined the invitation of commercial facilities, but there were large stores in the surrounding area, so the conditions were not compatible. Therefore, based on the future potential of this area, it was decided that the town would develop with a certain order, rather than attracting private businesses. On the other hand, at the Tenryu River Kawamachi Development Business Planning in this area, the Nagano Prefectural Football Association also proposed the construction of a football center that is not in the Minami Shinshin area. There is also a progress. As a result of examinations from various situations, we develop a soccer field as a further effective use of firefly parks managed by Yamabuki Ward, indoor playground and clubhouse that utilizes the playground facility, and a multi -purpose open space that can provide a fireflies and events. I decided to proceed.

From October to November last year, we proposed to landowners, local districts, Kawahara associations, Yamabuki Wards, and parliament, and understand the direction, so on January 4th, we will acquire land at the extraordinary party and create a basic plan.We proposed a supplementary budget plan for.After the parliamentary ruling, the land was obtained in early February, and discussions on the development of surrounding waterways and approach routes that had been requested by the locals, reflected in the basic concept, based on the understanding of the locals.A briefing session for Nippon Townspeople was held.At the briefing, we mainly received opinions about investment expenses and ordinary expenses, and why it was a soccer field.

With the core of sports facilities and park functions centered on soccer, which is a major sport, in cooperation with the beaches and canoe competitions planned by the Tenryu River Kawamachi development, the interaction base that allows people inside and outside the town can enjoy it.I think that maintaining a face is meaningful as a new town, with an eye on future linear opening.Investments with more than 800 million yen may be great, but if these investments are reduced and the business is reduced, it will be difficult to see subsequent management and attracting customers, and to maintain stable use and management.At least this business scale is necessary.In addition, we believe that not only use as a social physical education facility as a place for young people to learn, but also can fully contribute to the health promotion of townspeople, such as health classes performed on artificial turf.

In the future, if the local revitalization base maintenance grant, which has been applied to the country, is adopted, the old playground will be renovated as an indoor playground and clubhouse in the fourth year of the 4th year.Regarding soccer fields, surrounding roads, and surrounding waterways, we plan to apply for a national treasury subsidy in Fifth Fifty -fifth and implement the business.We will provide opportunities to listen to your opinions from children, etc., and will be promoted to be a facility that is familiar to many townspeople.At the same time, we will determine the people who operate the facilities by the proposal method at an early stage, and will strive to reflect the opinions of the operator.

In addition to this project, a new local design clerk has been established in the construction section to make use of the effects of the opening of the Linear Shinkansen and Sannan Shinshin Expressway in the region, and for the time being, Tenryu River Kawamachi Development, Yamabuki Hotaru Park and Yamabuki, and Yamabuki.We will examine the use of land in Shimokawara.

(Regional public transport)

Of the public transport buses that have been sluggish due to the influence of the new colona, ​​especially for high school students who go to school, the use and awareness of the morning and evening buses connected to Ichida Station and Shimohira Station on the JR Iida Line. Low is an issue. Therefore, we conducted a web questionnaire to all high school students in the town last December, and based on the results, we invited high school students to hold a round -table conference, and if they were not in the actual situation of high school climbing and lowering schools. I received a valuable idea that I did not notice. After that, under the guidance of Professor Hirokazu Kato of Nagoya University, an advisor, the council approved the improved operation, so we will renew the operation of "Good morning bus" from April 1. 。 The morning bus will be a short route and time setting that can afford to leave home, and the evening bus is three flights from the previous flight to 17:00, 18:00, and 19:00 in advance. It will be a demand service to be reserved on the Internet. This reservation can be made from Takamori Town Official LINE, which was renewed at the end of last year. In addition to junior high school students who graduate in March, we will promote high school students in the town to reduce the burden of home transfer and spread the use of buses that are safe and secure.

(Promotion of DX)

Since the third year of Juwa, all municipalities nationwide have been preparing for local government DX in cooperation with the national prefectures.In this town, we have introduced an electronic decision system that exceeds the average level of neighboring municipalities and nationwide, and has a electronic decision system that contributes to zero carbon by teleworking and paperless staff, government -function, and online the start and suspension procedure of water supply.。In the future, 26 procedures such as child allowance, childcare, and nursing care, which are very common in townspeople's lives, will be online in 5 years.For this reason, in order for a wide variety of tasks to become full -scale from FY40, we will establish a DX promotion clerk in the General Affairs Division from April to improve the convenience of living and the operational efficiency of the government office.

(3rd year adult ceremony)

The 3rd year of the adult ceremony was held on January 3rd, and 118 new adults, including online participation, gathered, celebrating the growing as an adult while reunioning with teachers and classmates.Did.We would like to thank all the guests who attended, the executive committee who had been involved in the planning and management of the ceremony, and the public hall culture department.

(Progress of nursery school construction)

The Certified Children's Garden Pandoma, which is promoted by the Social Welfare Corporation Shirayuri Welfare Association, will be completed in March as planned, and will open with children with almost 155 capacity from April.

Yoshida Nursery School, which opened on April 1, 1973 and ends in the history of 51 years, has a closing ceremony on March 25, the same day as the graduation ceremony, and from the afternoon, it will be open to townspeople.We are planning.I would like you to watch the last day of Yoshida Nursery School.


The new Mitsuba Nursery School will proceed with the procedures for diversion of farmland and development, and will hold a groundbreaking festival on March 14, and will begin construction and construction work for the opening in April 1955.In the new fiscal year, not only the construction but also the road construction nearby will begin, so we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to all the people in the region and those who pass the wide -area agricultural roads, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.。In the future, we will continue to promote the business to become a social welfare corporation, Kayagaki Association, and a nursery school that is familiar to the community.

(Formulation of the 3rd Environment Basic Plan)

With the current secondary environmental plan, as the plan period expires at the end of this fiscal year, we are developing a new third environmental plan.For one month from February 8 to March 9 for the plan, we are recruiting opinions from townspeople.The direction of the eight -year environmental measure from FY41 to the end of the 7th Development Plan to the End of the Fiscal year from the FY11 of FY2011 is the remaining number of days, but we will send opinions on the plan.I would like to have it.In the future, the Takamori Town Environmental Council will be deliberated, and the plan formulation will be completed within the year.

(Formulation of global warming prevention execution plan (regional measures))

In order to realize carbon native in 2050, a study committee of Takamori -cho Rente Introduction Strategy, etc., was held in July last year, and the "Takamori Town Global Warming Prevention Executive Plan (Area Measures)" will be formulated in March.have become.We would like to thank all members who have been eager to discuss the 9th committee.In the future, based on this execution plan, we will strive to prevent global warming with the understanding and cooperation of the townspeople and business establishments.

(Integration of water supply business)

Since November last year, the town has been discussing with the mayor and the Osawa River Water Interest Association for the integration of three facilities: Takamori Town Kamizuko, Yamabuki Water Supples, and Chihayahara simple water supply facilities.This time, we had a signing ceremony on the face of the mayor on March 1st on March 1st, because we were able to understand the relationships.From April, the integration will enhance stable water supply and crisis management support as Takamori -cho Kamizudo.We would like to thank all the relationships and continue to manage healthy taps.

(Sewer Man Hall Card)

The sewer manhole card in Takamori -cho has been completed and started distributing for free on January 15th.The Manhole Card is a card -type sewer public relations pamphlet that introduces the design of the local manhole planned and supervised by the Sewer Public Relations Platform.So far, 593 copies have been distributed.In the future, we will strive to PR so that we can deepen our interest in sewers.

(Town tax)

The storage status of the town tax is 1,137,690,000 yen, the collection rate is 81, which is 1,137,690,000 yen for the current year's adjustment of 1,434,000 yen..2 %.0 year -on -year.It is 9 %.

By the way, this regular meeting proposes 10 ordinance projects, 2 contracts, 2 designated management projects, 8 supplementary budget projects, and eight budget projects.

(Budget proposal for Fiscal year 4)

Proposal No. 27 Ordinance 4th year General accounting budget is 7,140,000 yen, 90,000 yen for the previous year, 1.It is an increase of 3 %.The main causes of the increase are the maintenance of the new Mitsuba Nursery School and the main road maintenance.Among the revenue, the town tax was expected to be 1,353,020 thousand yen, which increased by about 35,270,000 yen compared to last year.The town resident tax was recorded with reduced tax income in consideration of the effects of the new colon viral infection last year, but in the new fiscal year, the budget amount close to the Corona effect was recorded in light of the estimate of the income of the third year.I am.On the other hand, property tax has been reduced due to a decrease in residential land and a decrease in depreciable assets, and the bath tax has been reduced from 150 yen to 50 yen.While making the most of the subsidies of the national and prefectures as a financial resource, the shortage will be used for a total of 520,000 yen from the hometown and the financial coordination fund.

The main measures and businesses are as follows.

For Wizkorona, we will continue to promote local industrial support for recovery of local economy, in addition to new colon virus infection vaccination and various infection prevention measures.

In the development of local people, we promote independent learning while having a sense of connection, such as "comprehensive learning time" in junior high schools and "regional exploration activities" in elementary schools.We will further evolve local learning and activities so that hot and elementary schools will be the base for town development.

In child -rearing, we will support the privatization of municipal Mitsuba Nursery School for the opening of the park in April 1955.Until now, the first child will be provided from the first child from the first child.

In the environment, we will consider applying for "regional removal and renewable energy promotion grant" in order to embody the global warming prevention execution plan, which is being formulated in FY2013, and listed in the execution plan.We will inform the initiatives of this, and first foster the momentum.

In the "Tenryu River Kawamachi Development Project", in cooperation with the river administrator's country and the Iida Wide Area Fire Department, which promotes the relocation of the Takamori Fire Department, we will steadily promote site development, etc.Under the concept of "mitigation", we will apply for registration of river disaster prevention stations, and start the overall basic concept with the goal of starting the service in FY2017.

In addition, in the "Firefly Park peripheral development project" in the same area, we have the opportunity to listen to opinions from townspeople, various sports organizations, and children, and many townspeople.We will proceed to the facility that will be familiar to everyone.

Tenryu River Kawamachi Development Project and Firefly Park Performance Project, surrounding commercial areas cooperated, and planned land use in the entire region that incorporates urban functions, such as bustling base facilities, sports facilities, roads, municipal housing, and private housing.In order to proceed, we will launch a study meeting, including local people and experts, in order to begin forming the Yamabuki Shimokawahara Land Use Plan, including procedures under the Urban Planning Law.

Regarding maintenance work and safety measures work that received requests through the hearing of the district plan, etc., we have been budgeting as much as possible.

In the large road construction, as a new Mitsuba Nursery School Road Road Development Project, we will improve the widening of the 2011 Route Route as an access road to the nursery school as an access road to the nursery school.Through the entire civil engineering expenses, we will promote necessary basic capital development plans for the Linear age, while using the social infrastructure that has been maintained so far.

For the start of operation in the 5th year of Oruwa, "Tax expansion of local tax payment systems common tax payment system", "QR code for payment slip", "one -stop service for light vehicles registration", "automobile tax payment confirmation"System renovation for digitization such as "system" is performed.

In addition, the national ⺠ health insurance business, late -term care insurance, nursing care insurance, regional development business, agricultural settlement exclusive project, the total budget for these five special accounting is 3,520,763,000 yen, the first year in the previous year ⽐ 178,789 thousand yen. ,Four.It is an 8 % reduction.In addition, as a public corporate accounting, the public Shimogo -do business is profitable, equity, and the total amount is 986,584,000 yen, and the donation business is also 360,859,000 yen.

(Organizu 3rd year supplementary budget)

All of the supplementary budget proposals for this year's accounting are the main contents of the settlement processing such as contract differences based on the end of the fiscal year.

Proposal No. 19 The 3rd year Takamori Town General Accounting Budget (No. 9) will add 416,359,000 yen, and the total amount will be 8,574,873,000 yen.The main factors are 316,113,000 yen for borrowing the old playing site building from private companies as a development project around Yamabuki Hotaru Park and renovating it as a comprehensive sports clubhouse.As a financial resource, the same amount of bonds of the regional revitalization base maintenance grant of 160,600 yen will be applied.

In addition to the business adopted by the national supplementary budget, the company will record a total of 5 businesses, including the business adopted by the national supplementary budget, the continuation of the new Corona countermeasures for the general affairs expenses, and the civil engineering Road Bridge Ryo Business, will be recorded.

On the other hand, the budget that has been reduced is generally increased by 328,184,000 yen to the spare cost, and it will be used for the next fiscal year's financial resources.

Proposal No. 23 Ordinance 3rd year Special Accounting Accounting Budget (No. 2), the expenses for the west side of Shimota Agricultural Roads are due to the increase in the amount of cultivated soil that the cultivated and soil should be brought in thickly.The number of 95,674,000 yen is added, and the contract business income is used as a financial resource.

As a carry -over, 340,706 thousand yen will be recorded out of the incomplete part of the incomplete part in conjunction with this additional business.

Proposal No. 24 In the 3rd year Agricultural Village Drainage Business Special Accounting Budget Budget (No. 5), as a crushing fee for overlying, detailed design for replacing existing sewage pipes associated with the maintenance of the firefly park that is not expected to be completed within the fiscal year.The work is 7,480 thousand yen.

In other special accounting and public corporate accounting, all of them take measures by adjusting excess and shortage.


Proposal No. 5 As for the establishment of the former Shimoda school ordinance of Takamori -cho, the former Shimota School is opened to many people, increasing the opportunity to touch designated cultural properties, and is a cultural property, but in various ways.The establishment ordinance is established for the purpose of using it.

 Proposal No. 6 Mountain Temple Campsite Ordinance Regarding the establishment of the Temple Campsite Ordinance, and the designation of the designated manager of the proposal No. 18, the mountain temple campsite is a campsite with sufficient facilities. Although it is difficult to say, since the outdoor boom has arrived, many new colon virus infections have also overlapped, and many people have used it as a place where they can feel and refresh. Last year, the local people were mainly suggested that we would like to make use of this campsite with our own hands, show that both children and adults can enjoy it and make the town healthy. " Therefore, last year, we have been outsourcing maintenance of weeding and other things and have been studying for one year. In the congress, the Congress and the Congress offered proposals on the development and expansion of outdoor facilities such as campsites on the new year budget. With this on this occasion, we will position the mountain temple campsites as public facilities, and hope that the local people are designated as designated managers who wish to operate with thoughts, so we hope that they will be used further. It proposes both proposals. In addition, the maintenance of the toilets and waterfalls we have made will continue to be considered together with securing financial resources.

Proposal No. 7 Komori -cho Special Open Regarding the ordinance that partially revised the regulations on the rewards and cost compensation of the full -time people, the national fire brigade members will provide an emergency allowance for fire and disasters.In addition to the standard amount, the annual remuneration will be increased to the national standard.It is important to improve the treatment of fire brigade members and improve the activities, so please understand it.

Proposal No. 10 Takamori Town Nursery School Establishment and Ordinance to partially revise the use Ordinance will open the private Yoshida Kawara Nursery School and the integrated nursery school at Yoshida Nursery School on April 1st.Along with the abolition of Yoshida Nursery School.

Proposal No. 12 Takamori Town Day Service Center Installation Regarding the Ordinance to Revise a part of the Ordinance of the Demonstration Center and the Ordinance No. 13 of Takamori Town Special Nursing Home Establishment Ordinance, the Ordinance No. 14 of Takamori Town Short -term admission facility installation ordinanceThe ordinance to be abolished will be partially revised and abolished in the December regular meeting, with the decision to transfer the Asagiri no Sato to the JA Nagano Association.

Proposal No. 15 Traffic Safety Measures (In -region Cooperation) Business Road Improvement Construction Contracts Contracting Change Contracts and Proposal No. 16 Regarding the conclusion of the contract contract contract for the contract for installation of disaster prevention and safety grants business 3rd year.Road 1.-In installation of Route 3 sidewalks and town roads 1.For Route 1-230, the business of this year is expected to be completed within the year, but since the government's supplementary budget is expected to be issued for the new year's planned business, it is expected that additional grants are expected to be issued.It proposes two contracts.

Proposal No. 17 The designation of the designated manager of the Takamori Town Health Center is proposed a designated manager of the Health Center, which will expire the designated management period on March 31, 4th, 4th.

In addition to other bills, the bill and budget proposal will be explained by the section manager in charge at the time.

We would appreciate your understanding of the members and the townspeople, and we would like to ask for the appropriate decision on the proposal proposal.