Sony Announces "AITRIOS", an Edge AI Sensing Platform that Collaborates with Edge and Cloud

Sony Announces "AITRIOS", an Edge AI Sensing Platform that Collaborates with Edge and Cloud

With the spread of IoT and DX, there are concerns about overdependence on cloud systems, and various issues such as increased power consumption when using systems, privacy issues, data transfer delays, and security. There is

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation (hereafter, Sony) has launched the service of the edge AI sensing platform "AITRIOS" that supports the construction of systems in which the edge and the cloud work together in Japan, the United States, and Europe. Starting with, it was announced that it will be offered sequentially from the end of the year.

"AITRIOS" is a platform that enables the development and introduction of sensing solutions that utilize Sony's intelligent vision sensor "IMX500" equipped with AI processing functions and AI cameras.

Specifically, we provide a development environment for developing AI and applications, a marketplace where you can download AI models and sensing applications, and a cloud service for re-learning AI models and monitoring AI cameras. .

Sony collaborates with edge and cloud

In the future, we plan to continuously expand the service content, such as supporting image sensors for sensing other than "IMX500".

AITRIOS service overview

Start date

Within 2021


AI developers, application developers, camera manufacturers/module integrators, system integrators

Target area

Japan, the United States, Europe (planned to expand target countries and regions sequentially)

Features provided by the platform

Development environment

Marketplace (Not available at the start of service in 2021. Scheduled to be provided sequentially.)

Cloud service

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