+Style's "Smart Multi Ryotei Concon" easily smares home appliances

+Style's "Smart Multi Ryotei Concon" easily smares home appliances

 In June, EC sites were held one after another in June, including Rakuten Super SALE and Amazon Prime Day.I also bought a device in an attempt to make home appliances, which had been postponed, were noticed by a press release.


 What I got now was+style's "Smart Multi Ryotei Concon".The release was more than a year and a half ago, in October 2019, and somehow had been concerned about the purchase.The sale triggered me, and I decided to buy it again by seeing the name again.

 A convenient smart remote control is where you can use smart home appliances without replacing existing home appliances.The TV at home is an Android TV, so you can control it on and off via Google Assistant, but other home appliances, such as air conditioners, lighting, and recorders, had to use remote controls.To operate this through Google Home (now Google Nest, I use the first Google Home) or smartphone, it is better to smartly control the remote control operation than to replace everything with compatible products.It's fast and the cost is low.

 The first thing I tried after purchasing was the control of the lighting.Originally one of the living room lighting was compatible with remote control, so we could control it via a smart multi -ricoson.Next, set a TV channel change.The air conditioner can not only control on and off, but also adjust the air volume and change the temperature.The recorder is faster to operate with a remote control after the power is turned on, so it can be done with voice only.



 The operation using a smartphone was easy with the+style app.A specific frequent operation could be called by one tap by setting the "scene" in "smart mode", and the registration work was intuitive.On the other hand, a bit of a hard work was a voice control.The cooperation with the Google Assistant was a bit of a hassle.If the power supply is on / off, it can be done simply by reading the+style account from the Home app with "Works with Google", but that alone does not make detailed operation.


 Speaking of which, changing TV channels and air conditioning mode, it was necessary to manually set the scene created on the+style from the Google Assistant routine.

 Among them, the TV channel was troublesome.The scenes and routines had to be created as the number of channels, and it took time to input.Because Google Assistant did not recognize "E -Tele", it was necessary to devise E -Tele, such as calling E -Tele on "Educational Television".


 That said, it takes time only at the beginning.Once the settings are completed, the rest can be controlled only with the voice, and the operation of home appliances has become comfortable.A series of tasks, such as turning on the lighting after waking up in the morning, shedding the weather forecast with voice, and putting on a TV, can be done in a single "OK, Google Good morning".When you go out, you don't have to panic even when you don't have time because you can turn off lighting, air conditioners, and TV at once.Considering that these operations are used using multiple remote controls and switches, it is an impression that the effort has decreased significantly.

 As a secondary introduction effect, when the whole family went out, the air conditioner could be turned on from the go.Especially in the coming season, if you turn off the air conditioner and go out, it will be hot as a steamed bath immediately after returning home.If you turn on the air conditioner in advance, the benefits of spending a cool room immediately after returning home will be great.In the case of Android 11, pressing and holding the power key is displayed, and the registered smart home device list is displayed, so that you can switch on and off, so you can operate smoothly.


 As a result, it was so convenient that I bought a "Smart LED bulb" with+style in order to electrify the remaining half of the living room.At this rate, the light bulb in the kitchen is likely to be replaced.The lineup is substantial, and it seems to be the charm of+style with smart home appliances that can be controlled together.