

"Regional Food Resource Recycling Solution" provided by NTT Business Solutions. Contribute to the revitalization of the local economy by reducing waste and disposal costs

As awareness of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) improves, consumers' eyes on food loss are becoming stricter. Although the food industry is working on various methods to reduce food loss, the current situation is that it is not possible to ensure effectiveness. With the need to establish sustainable countermeasures against food loss, we will take a closer look at NTT Business Solutions' efforts to connect food-related businesses and farmers to realize the "regional circulation of food resources."

Contributing to reducing food loss and revitalizing local economies

The amount of food waste in Japan in fiscal 2008 was approximately 25.31 million tons. About 18 million tons of this amount comes from the food industry. The Law Concerning Promotion of Reduction of Food Loss, which was enacted in 2019, called for the reduction of food loss under the initiative of local governments. However, efforts to reduce food loss in the food industry are not uniform. Looking at the recycling rate by industry, the food manufacturing industry is 95%, while the food wholesale industry is 62%, the food retail industry is 51%, and the food service industry is only 31% (Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries " Annual amount of food waste generated and rate of implementation of recycling of recyclable food resources (fiscal 2018 estimates)”).

Under such circumstances, NTT Business Solutions, a group company of NTT West, provides a "regional food resource recycling solution" that realizes food loss reduction. This solution is an effort to contribute to the revitalization of the local economy while reducing food loss by realizing a local recycling community for food resources. Mr. Minoru Nakayama, General Manager of the Smart Agriculture Business Division of the company, explains the purpose of this initiative as follows.

"From 2020, the NTT West Group will work with NTT West Group companies and partner companies to strengthen its lineup of services that contribute to solving regional issues in 10 areas as 'Smart10x.' "Smart agriculture" is responsible.In the food industry, various issues are occurring in the value chain from production to sales and consumption.We recognize that one of them is food loss.Food loss is caused by various players. We believe that this is an area in which we can make use of the NTT West Group's accumulated ability to connect businesses."

"Smart10x" that NTT West Group has been working on since 2020. One of these fields is “smart agriculture”.

The "Local Food Resource Recycling Solution" being worked on by "Smart Agris" starts with the installation of food residue fermentation and decomposition equipment (composting) "Forstars" by markets, fresh food vendors, restaurants, etc. begin. After installation, food residue (food-derived waste) is fermented and decomposed by the effect of Cerberix® (Bacillus subtilis) in Forstars to produce primary fermented products, which are sent to recycling centers (as of February 2022, nationwide 25 bases) collected. At the recycling center, secondary and tertiary fermentations are carried out to become fully matured compost, which is then provided and sold to farmers. In other words, food waste that would have been discarded until now reaches farmers in the form of compost, and the crops grown in the soil nourished by the compost are distributed to the market. * Cerberix® is a registered trademark of Asahi Biocycle Co., Ltd.

Mechanism of "local food resource circulation solution". Food residue becomes compost, showing the circulation flow of agricultural products grown with it

Significant reduction in waste treatment costs with zero initial cost

Composting for commercial use can be broadly divided into “disappearance type” and “heat treatment type”. The "extinction type" is designed to eliminate food residue, but there are problems such as "the food that can be decomposed is limited" and "the sewage with a high concentration of wastewater flows out". In other words, there will be cases where it is difficult to introduce it because the concentration of the wastewater conflicts with the regulations of local governments. On the other hand, the "heat treatment type" is dried to reduce weight. This type has problems such as "high electricity bill". Both types are capable of reducing (or eliminating) waste, but solving operational issues is not easy. In addition, there are many cases where the initial cost is high, and it can be said that the hurdle for introduction is quite high. Many companies may have considered introducing commercial composting, but many give up when faced with the challenges described above.

NTT Business Solutions'

Food residue fermentation decomposition equipment "Four Stars" is characterized not only by the large number of foods to be decomposed, but also by its rapid decomposition.

Forstars overcomes the disadvantages of conventional commercial composting. There are many types of food residue to be decomposed, and the decomposition rate is fast. Food waste can be reduced to 1/10th in 24 to 48 hours, and finally to 1/20th. With this speed, the compost won't overflow with garbage. In addition, it is said that there is almost no rotten smell that is worrisome due to aerobic microbial fermentation. Furthermore, operating costs such as electricity and water bills can be kept low. It is also a point that it can be introduced with zero initial cost because it adopts a monthly rental system (including maintenance fee and composting accelerator fee). Mr. Nakayama said, "There is no need to set aside a budget for the introduction of a commercial compost. The monthly waste disposal cost should be compared with the rental fee. If the rental fee is lower, there is a possibility that the waste disposal cost can be reduced. there is,” he says. According to Mr. Nakayama, there are cases where waste disposal costs have been reduced to less than half by introducing this solution.

More than 800 installations regardless of business type or size

The simplicity of just opening the lid of the equipment and putting in the garbage and composting accelerator was also a decisive factor in the introduction.

What kind of effects have companies that have actually introduced local food resource circulation solutions achieved? “Steak Asakuma”, which operates steakhouses mainly in the Tokai and Kanto regions, has been actively working to reduce food loss, such as refining waste oil into light oil. It is said that the company is becoming more aware of the problem of whether it is okay to dispose of food as garbage. Shouldn't we contribute to the SDGs by reducing food loss and fulfill our corporate social responsibility? Amidst this growing momentum, we introduced a local food resource circulation solution, coupled with the expected cost reduction effect.

"We are pleased that we were able to implement a new initiative to realize the SDGs. The fact that a wide range of food waste can be decomposed is also the reason for choosing us.In the store, we are working to reduce food loss by popping etc. It seems that it is leading to an improvement in the brand image.I heard that they plan to increase the number of stores that have introduced it in the future.” (Mr. Yosuke Suzuki, Manager, Smart Agriculture Division)

In outlet mall food courts and restaurants, there are cases where Forstars is introduced as a common processing platform for food residue. At stores that have introduced the product, you don't have to worry about collection time. It is said that voices such as "It can be used" are rising.

Let's look at producers who use compost. Aozora Co., Ltd., a large-scale agricultural corporation in Okayama Prefecture, which produces crops for cut vegetables that are now indispensable for dining tables, uses compost made through Forstars to grow leafy vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage. cultivation. Favorable comments have been heard, such as “good quality compost can be obtained at a low price” and “yield and quality of vegetables are improved”.

Currently, the number of Forstars popularized is over 800 units. Since multiple lineups are available according to the maximum processing capacity, it is possible to flexibly select and install according to the amount of food waste discharged and the scale of the facility.

Efforts to reduce food loss that take into consideration “post-discharge”

Efforts to prevent food waste from being discharged in the food industry are progressing, but the reality is that it is difficult to reduce food loss on its own. . Mr. Suzuki points out, "Isn't it necessary to think about what to do 'after food waste is discharged'?"

"We would like to utilize ICT, which is our strength, as appropriate to connect various players in the food industry and strengthen the circle of local circulation of food. Expanding the recycling center that accepts fermented products by Forstars. By doing so, I would like to solve the social problem of reducing food loss and achieve both business and business.”

In the future, with the further development of SDGs, consumers' choices for the food industry will be further sharpened. As the Japanese government announced in October 2020 that it will be carbon neutral by 2050, decarbonization will also become an issue. How can we reduce food loss? A turning point is coming.

Click here for details of local food resource recycling solutions

[Provided] NTT Business Solutions, Inc.