Utilizing Suzuhiro and Honda and EVs as storage batteries, we started joint demonstration of energy management that efficiently flexible electricity between EVs and buildings

Utilizing Suzuhiro and Honda and EVs as storage batteries, we started joint demonstration of energy management that efficiently flexible electricity between EVs and buildings

Suzuhiro head office building and EV used for demonstration


Suzuhiro is aggressive in local production and local consumption of energy, such as introducing renewable energy facilities such as solar power generation and solar hot water supply systems to stores and factories, and built ZEB (Zero Energy Building). I am working on it. On the other hand, Honda, in 2050, conducts research on the Honda Smart Home System, which performs comprehensive energy managers for buildings and vehicles to realize carbon nutrals through all the products related to Honda and corporate activities. We are working on research and development of energy management technology that contributes to the expansion of renewable energy. In this way, through initiatives with a view to the decarbonized society, we aim to aim for energy local consumption as an initiative to a circular business to respond to the policy of Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, which aims to have no CO2 emissions up to 2050. Suzuhiro and Honda's direction aimed at practical use of energy management systems to expand renewable energy utilization, we will conduct a joint demonstration experiment this time. This demonstration experiment will be conducted mainly by the Suzuhiro headquarters in Odawara City, mainly EVs in Odawara City. HONDA prepares EVs and energy management systems, and Suzuhiro uses them for daily work. Specifically, the EV is used when traveling, such as visiting a business partner, and it is used as a storage battery when not used for travel, and power supply is supplied to Suzuhiro headquarters from the EV as necessary. Since commercial EVs are also used as a storage battery for the energy management of the company building, it can be expected to suppress new investment in the store storage battery. As a result, Suzuhiro and HONDA have a compatible balance of the two types: (1) efficient use of the entire company building, and (2) Efficient movement operations using EVs in the optimal balance, reducing the amount of CO2 emissions and peak cut * 2. We aim to reduce. Through this demonstration experiment, Honda will examine the economic benefits for users and examine the business model of the energy management system for the future. Demonstration uses three systems: Honda's newly developed "energy management system", "operation management system" that optimizes energy consumption when using EV, and "battery -sharing management system".


Energy Management System "Honda Power Controller E Concept"

鈴廣従業員が、外出にあたり入力したEV利用予定を基に、車両のデータを活用して、最も消費電力が少なく、短時間で効率的に移動できるルートを計算し、提案します。 社屋の電力需給の予測と、EVの利用予約に基づき、いつEVを走行させるべきか、いつ充電すべきか、そしていつEVから社屋に電力供給すべきか、といったEVのバッテリー活用に関する全体調整を行い、エネルギーマネジメントと運行管理を最適なバランスで両立させます。

Demonstration experiment system schematic diagram

なお、実証実験の期間は2022年2月~2023年2月を予定しています。鈴廣とHondaは今回の実証実験を通じて、社屋全体の効率的な電力利用と、EVによる効率的な移動業務を最適なバランスで両立し、エネルギーの地産地消によるカーボンニュートラルの実現を目指していきます。※1 ZEB(ゼロ・エネルギー・ビル)Net Zero Energy Building(ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ビル)の略称。快適な室内環境を実現しながら、建物で消費する年間の一次エネルギーの収支をゼロにすることを目指した建物のこと。※2ピークカット1日のうち電力需要の多い時間帯の電力使用を抑えることで、電力の基本料金を削減する手法のこと。※以下、メディア関係者限定の特記情報です。個人のSNS等での情報公開はご遠慮ください。

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  1. プレスリリース >
  2. 本田技研工業株式会社 >
  3. 鈴廣とHonda、EVを蓄電池として活用し、EV・建物間で効率的に電気を融通するエネルギーマネジメントの共同実証を開始