Tachikawa blinds colorful window performance props around the window make home time more comfortable & stylish!

Tachikawa blinds colorful window performance props around the window make home time more comfortable & stylish!

Made in Japan, 0.5 cm wide, 1 cm high full-order correspondence, free choice of materials and design, feelings and impressions of the exhibition hall staff.

With the increase of time at home, with more and more people sticking to the window, such as blinds, curtains, partitions, and so on, many people visit the Tachikawa shutter showroom of No.1, which has a domestic market share of shutters.

Founded in the 13th year of Showa, headquartered in Tokyo, Ichikawa Blind Industry has manufacturing strongholds in Niigata, Shiga, Sapporo, Hiroshima and Fukuoka, extending to Sapporo in the north and Fukuoka in the south.

Now what kind of window props and partitions are very popular, in order to explore how to choose, I taught me a lot in the Tachikawaya Ginza showroom.

市販のスマート家電リモコンやAIスピーカーと接続して開け閉め! 「ホームタコス」

The first is now the most popular props around the window. Combined with the smart home appliance remote control on the market, "OK Google! AI speakers such as "Open blinds" can also automatically open and close blinds.

Through the timer function, it can be turned on and off at a specified time, and it can also be operated with a smartphone from the place where you go out, which is reassuring and comfortable.

Its name is also the "smart indoor lampshade family octopus" of electric products. Use a remote control or switch for simple operation.

And there is no need for wiring works. Just insert the plug into the simple design of the socket.

According to the sunshine and mood, the remote control of smart household appliances can also be operated, so the time at home should be happier.

Image in the "Smart Indoor Mask Family Octopus" series, left and right opening and closing, lath (feather) rotating vertical blinds of the "family octopus line overhang ensemble".


The rooms that look very fashionable are rolling screens and dimming scrolling screens.

In addition to designing fabrics to achieve easy choice of flat fabrics and lifestyles to adapt indoors, such as transparent shutters, such as the growing demand to deal with infected corona disasters is also the lineup.

Only dad's studio, etc., with such a rolling screen fashionably around the windows, the work at home will be more concentrated, but also can be done in a more fashionable way.


Vertical blinds for design and colorful houses are very popular because they are "different from ordinary curtains and can perform rooms in fashion". The image is Tate blind "line drape".

タチカワブラインドの多彩な窓まわり演出アイテムで おうち時間をもっと快適&おしゃれに!

Tachikawa blinds, widely supported from waist-high windows to wide window sashes. And there are washable materials, erasable materials, a variety of choices are also interesting.

As long as you change the direction of the lath, you can control the lighting and overlooking, which is also the feature of the vertical type.

From the design of realizing the way of life, there are also natural wooden slats (feathers) suitable for Japanese and modern rooms, which can be checked in the exhibition hall by those who care.

減速降下機能でスマートに、光漏れなし! ヨコ型ブラインド

The so-called general blinds are these yoga blinds. Among them, the Tachikawa blind "perfect silk color" has no holes in the lath (blade), excellent shielding and design, and lath exchange is also very simple, so it has been highly evaluated.

In addition, because it is also equipped with a button from top to bottom blinds slowly down the deceleration function (RDS), so one hand with a button can put down the brand, easily proceed to the next step, which is also very happy.

The image is Yoko blind "all white".


Among the props around the windows that open and close up and down, there are also many people who like the wrinkled screen with jagged cloth.

In Tachkawa's blind wrinkle screen, the code holes seen from the room, the most advanced wrinkle screens with excellent masking design are "Cypher" and "Phil".

It is also popular to fully enjoy the original beauty of the fabric.

Zefer, the front and rear two folds are lowered, the air layer between the texture is formed, and the thermal insulation is also improved. It is also helpful for the insulation of the room in the middle of winter.

In addition, the honeycomb screen with a honeycomb cross-section is also a single product with excellent thermal insulation. The differences, characteristics and advantages between folds and honeycombs can be found at a glance in the exhibition hall and should be checked.

ペットブームやテレワーク時代に! 間仕切「プレイス スウィング」

Finally, there is the partition series of Tachikawa blinds. Now this partition series has attracted a lot of attention in the era of pet craze and telecommuting. The image is divided into "location swing".

For example, many people choose the partition of the Tachikawa blinds when separating the pet room if necessary and creating the father's workspace in the living room.

The design and materials are rich, and the methods of getting in and out are also rich and colorful. The "location" of the district includes folding doors, sliding doors, mobile storage, and the combination of folding doors and sliding doors.

In addition, the stylish black frame is the popular zoning "location swing", updated in October this year!

A wealth of options have also been added so that they can be better applied to a variety of scenarios. Those who care check in the Tachikawa Blind showroom.


Tachikawa Blind Exhibition Hall (Sapporo, Sendai, Shinyue, Shinjuku, Ginza, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Osaka, Takamatsu, Hiroshima, Fukuoka), including such a variety of shutters display, also see a wealth of samples and sample materials to touch the operation, while feeling the decision.

It doesn't matter if there are too many people to make a decision. The staff asked about our environment, window size, budget, etc., while consulting and making suggestions to us. For those who "want to perform around the window with personality", go to the Tachikawa Blind Exhibition Hall.

Ichikawa blind industrial https://www.blind.co.jp/

When you go to the exhibition hall, confirm the official website and make an appointment. In addition, the content of the display varies according to the exhibition hall, so it is good to confirm in advance.

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