Smart home master 2021 to buy really good things in the top five! BEST HOUSTECH OF THE YEAR 2021

Smart home master 2021 to buy really good things in the top five! BEST HOUSTECH OF THE YEAR 2021

Personally praise the smart home master to feel the beautiful gadgets in 2021.

[Kimura's beautiful Tech Magic#086] has also written more than 50 comments this year. If it includes products that have only been tried in private life, I recommend a selection of 5 most recommended HOUSETECH gadgets to introduce them. These are things that can dramatically improve QOL when used at home. The pursuit of new products and cutting-edge technology will be abandoned no matter how practical. Even if you feel convenient for a while, it is unusual to continue to use it in your daily life. This time we will evaluate and rank them in terms of advanced nature (the technical height of improving life) and continuity (continuous ease of use). No. 5: Hue Sync Box Hue Sync Box is advanced: the price is more than 32780 yen for home cinema, it is this Hue Sync Box that can dramatically change the experience of watching movies. In a word, it is "gadgets that can lose images and room boundaries". The same color as the four sides of the picture, reproduced with more than 1600m colors of Hue, makes people feel like jumping into the movie. What is surprising is how faithful its color is and how fast it changes. Even if the scene is switched instantly like an action movie, the lighting will not be changed delayed. There are 4 systems for input, and the latest formats such as 4K, Dolby Vision, HDR10+ are also supported. Even if used in a first-person viewpoint game, the sense of presence will increase. The only disadvantage is that it costs money to introduce. The price of the entity is the same, but due to the other need to buy Hue bridge and some Hue lights, the introduction fee will exceed 50, 000 yen. Although this is not a price that can be introduced, the combination with a large screen will bring more surprises to cinemas. It can be asserted that investing in products here can change the movie experience more than large-screen projectors. Because watching movies at home is limited to weekends, so the continuity rating is slightly lower. No. 4: Atmoph Window2 | StarWars Atmoph Window2 | StarWars advanced nature: the price: 58080 yen / an overwhelming beauty and sound that makes the room comfortable is the Atmoph Window2 on this side. The author bought the StarWars version and has now released "death Star from Jeddah" and "tattoos". In addition, there are Disney version, high-quality CG scenery is the best for fans, but the world view is also great. In addition, through the speakers installed in the center and top of the screen, the mechanism for natural sound to be heard from outside the window is also very good. The brilliance of this sound increases the benefits of the image dozens of times, so those who think it is just a monitor will be surprised when they experience the real thing. Because the curtains are opened on the schedule every day, the continuity is full. It's just that the scenery must be selected manually, so there are only three stars in the advanced nature. It would be great if you could automatically play with the scenery that best suits the season, or make your own playlist. I look forward to future updates. No. 3: teplo teplo Advanced: "continuity: shipping costs" Price: 29,150 yen (including freight) this gadget is revolutionary. Raise the level of tea you usually enjoy unwittingly to dozens of times. Digitize every mica that has already made tea in its senses, and at that time its own state (pulse and finger temperature, temperature and noise level, etc.) also made me proper tea, which is a good thing. Although this is an incredible specification, once drunk, the difference in taste will be affected. Green tea can feel the unique juice of high-grade tea, and oolong tea is in the best state of aroma spread. It excites me to think of the potential of the tea I like to brew so far, as long as I soak it with teplo. In the future, in the EC of our company, in addition to tea, we will also sell strictly selected items for drinking tea. I even think it's better to buy it regardless of the price. No. 2: Botanium Botanium advanced nature: sustainability: price: 18,150 yen Botanium is a smart grower who can simply carry out indoor hydroponic cultivation. As long as the water is sucked once, it will be fed automatically for 1 week or 2 weeks. If a special liquid nutrient is added, the growth will be much faster. At present, we are breeding avocados that sprout from basil and supermarket seeds, but both are almost effortless. What is particularly surprising is the avocado. Compared with the usual hydroponic cultivation, it grows faster and retains large leaves even though it is kept out of reach of the sun. Although the overall score is the same as that of teplo, the military has improved the military in creating an environment in which vanilla, a vulnerable ingredient, can be harvested indefinitely. Because of the simple structure, I am a little concerned about the price, but because there are no other equivalent products, including design, the author added 2 after the review. At the beginning of the year, I also want to challenge the bonsai department such as pine trees. No. 1: townew townew advanced nature: sustainable price: price: 17980 yen may be surprising, this is the smart trash can here. Although I have paid close attention to it before, as written in the article, I decided to buy it because it was re-filled with white. Depending on the region, there may be a place for the inner bag of NG, but if it can be used, this trash can is revolutionary. The three chores of "changing garbage bags", "finding garbage bags suitable for trash can size" and "connecting garbage bags" can all be automated. The trouble with the trash can is that it is difficult to find garbage bags of the right size. Solving this problem alone can greatly improve QOL and save two times. The author bought one for the living room and one for the toilet, both of which are very active. When it comes to desire, it would be nice to have a larger size, but even in the current situation, considering the price, the ratio of performance to price is quite high. The refill has been used for 4 months and has not been replaced once, so it is impeccable in terms of operating cost. In 2021, in addition to this, BEST HOUSETECH can strike a balance between practicality and technology, reducing housework. It is better than any product to fully automate certain chores that have not been possible so far. Actually started BEST HOUSETECH OF THE YEAR on its own in 2018. The first time is the Ivy House home appliances, but the recent situation has not been able to hold. I am very glad to be able to introduce excellent gadgets in this form this year. I'm looking forward to what kind of gadgets will appear in 2022 from now on. (ROSETTA Kimura Hidenori) CEO/Art Director of Profile Kimura Hidenori ROSETTA Co., Ltd., brand director of Smart Home bento (Bento), IoT Evan Jester. Usually buy a variety of the latest machines and gadgets is to explore the efficiency of work and life automation of the authentic life hacker. In 2018, the 50-year-old community where family hackers launched the future community "bento", which is almost automated in housework, caused a strong response. Instead of his usual working wife, he is also the father who is responsible for his daughter's childcare and housework in an automated home. [new era village] the details of the article and the parts that can only be conveyed in the video. (the release time of the video may be before and after the publication of the report)


スマートハウスの達人が2021年に買って本当によかったものベスト5! BEST HOUSTECH OF THE YEAR 2021