The potential of the Amazon wall hanging display "Echo Show 15" is large.But I don't need it now

The potential of the Amazon wall hanging display "Echo Show 15" is large.But I don't need it now

If you like Amazon, well.

The Echo Show 15, a 15.6 -inch Alexa -mounted wall display announced last fall.It is still released in Japan, but the Gizmodo editorial department has reviewed it.Somehow since the announcement???There was, but as an editorial department that I used, I concluded that "Yeah, I don't need it."Now, still.

If you like Amazon, how much you depend on Amazon, would you like to attach Alexa -equipped displays to your home wall?

Echo Show 15 is the largest size on the Amazon seal display equipped with Alexa.It is as large as a notebook PC, a second monitor and a small TV.It can be placed vertically and horizontally, and if you have an optional stand, you can put it on a desk or shelf.When it comes to Amazon's display, it is a bit prepared, but the basic controller hub is a smart home.It is the same as Google's Next Hub and Home Hub in Samsung.

Amazon Echo Show 15

What is this?: Smart display with Alexa

Price: $ 250 (29980 yen)

Good place: Both vertical and horizontal can be placed, beautiful screen, 1,080p video compatible

Unfortunately: Widgets are not good, Visual ID Bimyo, camera image quality

The wall hanging is assumed to be a default, and the installation is easy

The biggest display of Amazon stamp, how much is 15.6 inches, it's only a large digital photo frame that you sometimes see in the store.Notebook PC size is about it, but it is quite large as a smart display.The terminal size is 40cm x 25cm.There is a considerable presence no matter where you are in the house.Because I use this at home, it's a bit, but I changed it.

Amazon壁掛けディスプレイ「Echo Show 15」のポテンシャルは大きい。でも今はいらない、かな


The software setting is easy, the same as other smart displays of Amazon.Turn on the power, connect to WiFi, log in to the Amazon account.There is also a Visual ID setting that recognizes the family, but this will be described later.After that, set whether to use the 5MP camera mounted on the Echo Show as a security camera or connect to the Amazon network Sidewalk (there is an option that neither uses).

When installed on the horizontal arrangement, there are three physical buttons on the upper part of the terminal.Mute and volume + -.Next to it is a shutter that physically blocks the camera.A 1.6 -inch speaker is built in both sides of the terminal, so it is enough for video calls or BGM in the room.

Widget general improvement is inevitable

I was originally a NEST user, so I personally use Google's home ecosystem, but Google's smart display has to be tapped up to reach the target task.。It's troublesome and I don't use much functions.Maybe Amazon is good here.

The big display of Echo Show 15 organizes a family task as a home hub by using widgets.The first widget was a smart home controller.I use this every day.I'm in the morning, so I get up while my family is still sleeping, but at that time I don't use the audio command.I turned on and off the electricity with the CHO SHOW 15 widget.

The system that uses widgets is good, but the number is still small.What you can use now is a calendar (planned insertion from Google/Apple/Microsoft account), memo, toDo list, shopping list, map, weather, etc.It's too basic.In the future, we hope that the application developers will be widely published and will be able to respond to more services.Because there is potential, it is a waste as it is now.

The use of potential is not only the type of widget, but also the number of uses.There are six widgets that can be used at once.In this case, even if the corresponding widget increases, you will have to use it in consideration of the priority, and it will be less convenient to control the home with a screen tap.If you sit down and do it with your smartphone because it's troublesome, the home hub display will be meaningless.

After that, there are still few customizations that can be customized with each widget, and it is not as easy as Android to display the widget on the platform.The honest impression is that it is easier to use a smartphone Alexa app, and I want you to improve here.Or rather, you have to improve!

Small TV

There are many Echo Show series, but Echo Show 15 is the first to support full HD image quality streaming from the Netflix/ Hulu/ Prime Video app.By the way, please note that some of the Disney+apps are not yet supported.If you don't have an app, you'll be able to see it from a web browser, so it will be anything.

Sound quality is acceptable.I don't hear the bass overall because it's loose, but it's not a speaker, but it's a home hub -like display, so I don't expect excessive expectations.If you use entertainment, you can divide it with a small TV, not a home theater.Those who use it as a security camera have a PinctureInpicture function, so you can display the camera while watching the entertainment.

Be careful when using the camera

The 5MP camera is lowered in image quality compared to the 13MP of Echo Show 8, but is sufficient for TV calls.As a security camera, there is no problem when it is bright.The difficulty is that you can't see it when it gets dark at night.The specifications are not only resolution, but Echo Show 8 and Portal Go have no tracking functions.That's the user's movement.If you get used to it once, even if you move around, you may feel a little inconvenient.

Echo Showシリーズ向けの新機能として登場したVisual ID。家族(同居人)の顔をスキャンして登録し、メンバーそれぞれにあった情報(今日の予定など)をAlexaが出してくれるというもので、話だけ聞いてるとベテランアシスタントぶりに期待したくなのですが、実際はそうでもなくて…。顔認識がうまく機能せず、例えば私を娘と間違えてしまい、特定のウィジェットにアクセスできなくなってしまうことがあってイラっとしました(娘はキッズアカウントなので、使えないウィジェットがある)。ホームディスプレイなので、認識する人は家族、つまり顔がなんとなく似ている人が多いわけで、顔認識の精度もうちょっとあげてほしいですよね。

I still don't want it now

As a smart home controller, the honest impression is that Echo Show 15 is still rough.It is not equipped with zigbee.I just feel the potential.It should be a correct answer if it works well in the center of the house and managing it with a widget on the screen.But for that, we need to grow widgets.At this stage, I was on the starting line for the best smart home display.

So, while having a big potential, it is now a large digital photo frame, and there are already many other terminals you have.Now, if you buy Echo SHOW 15 as a smart home -based display, you're a person who is so immersed in the Amazon ecosystem to rely on Alexa.

I want Echo Show 15?

