[Toyota Noa/Voxy new test drive] The biggest feature other than "face" is "ease of handling" ... Shunichi Uchida

[Toyota Noa/Voxy new test drive] The biggest feature other than "face" is "ease of handling" ... Shunichi Uchida

I was able to test drive for a short time with the full model of Toyota's new "Noah" and the new "Voxy".The finish was easy to handle, and it was a perfection without any discomfort.

The biggest feature is "ease of handling"

トヨタ ヴォクシー 新型

This time, I was able to ride a hybrid with a 7-seater FF of Noah S-Z, and a gasoline car of "Voxy S-G E-FOUR" and "Voxy S-Z" FF.

What is common to all vehicles is the ease of driving posture as the driving position approaches passenger cars.In addition, since the visibility is very good, you can run with confidence even if you ride at first glance.In addition, since the switches are laid out in an easy -to -understand place, this also leads to a sense of security as well as easy to handle.This kind of commitment is important because it is a car that people with various driving skills ride.

【トヨタ ノア/ヴォクシー 新型試乗】“顔”以外のThe biggest feature is

The "Karakuri", such as the flip -up lock of the newly adopted 3rd seats and the function that can stop the tailgate on the way, is set from the user, so it is hard to handle even for women.However, when returning the 3rd seat to the original position, it is necessary to have a backrest at the end, and the posture is a bit burdensome on the body.I was grateful that the string or something was on the backrest so that it was easy to wake up.

トヨタ ノア 新型

Noah/Vok's first driving support function

One of the safe driving support systems, proactive driving assists have been newly installed.One of the functions is that if you catch up with the previous car, or if you are likely to enter the corner to over -speed, it will slow down.This operation should be extremely smooth and the regenerative brake intervenes.The passenger will not be excited because there is no sudden deceleration feeling.

In addition, there was a delay in the previous car start, and this time the signal was detected.If you stop at the top at an intersection with a signal, even if it turns blue from red, if you do not start, it will be informed in the meter display and audio.In addition, it is a convenient thing that is linked to the turn signal and will notify you when an arrow appears at a red light.I don't feel like I'm overdoing it, but it won't hurt.

トヨタ ノア/ヴォクシー に採用された「前車発進遅れ告知」機能

"E-FOUR" was the easiest to ride and smooth

By the way, when I actually ran, it was E-Four that was the easiest and smooth.Of course, there is a high stability due to the 4WD, but it was about 50 kg of weight, and it was the most supple ride.On the other hand, gasoline Voxy S-Z has a slightly lower body rigidity when compared to hybrids, probably because the battery is not holding the battery under the floor, and the road noise is remarkable.The fact that the rough feel from the road surface is easy to convey is also anxious about gasoline cars.Speaking of road noise, the 2nd seat is the quietest, and the ride is good, and it seems that the special seat is this seat.

トヨタ ノア 新型

It is noteworthy that the direct shift-CVT used in gasoline cars does not make the teeth like the old CVT look like or rubber band feeling at all.However, if you have a lot of full riding, a hybrid is recommended because this two -liter engine may feel weak.

Overall, the new Noah/Voxy can be highly evaluated in that it is the most important for minivans in this class, driving with peace of mind and far more convenient.However, regarding the front design, both Noah and Voxy are intimidating.As a family car, can't you look a little more kind?Only that is regrettable.

トヨタ ヴォクシー 新型

■ 5 -star evaluation packaging: ★★★★★ Interior/Residential: ★★★★★ Power source: ★★★★ Footwork: ★★★★★ Recommended degree of recommendation: ★★★★

Shunichi Uchida | Member of the Japan Automobile Journalist Association (AJAJ) Born in 1966.He has been a car -related marketing research company for 18 years and has been involved in pre -development and user survey.After that, he became independent and wrote mainly from his perspectives such as design and marketing, taking advantage of his experience.He is also good at classic cars.His car owned is Renault 25 Baccarat and Renault 10, which has been cut off.