Try the task management tool "" that can be linked with Amazon Echo: Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker living (page 1/2)

Try the task management tool "" that can be linked with Amazon Echo: Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker living (page 1/2)

 Amazon's smart speaker "Echo" and "Google Home" features list functions.When you say "Add XX to the list", it is a function that adds those items to shopping lists and task lists.

 This feature is very convenient because you can add items to the list without opening a smartphone or taking out your notebook.Above all, if you are doing different tasks, or if you are already in a futon or bed in the middle of the night, it can be added only by voice, so it is more useful than you think.

 However, calling and referring to the list created in this way will inevitably take a lot of time.Regarding Google Home, it is not so troublesome because you can create a shortcut on the home screen of the smartphone, but in the case of Alexa, start the Alexa app, open the menu, and then select the list, then tap the desired list.You need complex operations.When it comes to a list of daily use, this work is surprisingly ridiculous.

Amazon Echoと連携可能なタスク管理ツール

 However, using the method introduced this time will not only make it easier to refer to the list created in Amazon Echo, but also greatly enhance the usability of the list function itself.The method is to link with external task management services.This time, one of the compatible services, "Any.Let's try "Do".

タスク管理サービス"」と連携させておけば、Amazon Echoで作成した買い物リストなどを、外出先でスムーズに参照できる

"Any.Alexa task list can be synchronized with "Do"

 Any.Do is a multi -platform task management service that can be used not only from smartphones but also from PCs.Although it is an overseas service, most of the parts seen from the table are translated into Japanese, and the number of lovers in Japan is increasing.

 This Any.DO, but in fact, it has a function that can work with the Amazon Alexa list.In other words, the task registered from Alexa is any.It can be displayed in DO, specified the deadline, or moved to another list..You can add a task from the side of the do.

 First of all for use.Register with DO user and make it possible to log in with your ID and password.Next, open "List" from "Settings" of the Alexa app, and Any.Enable DO skills.Basically this is it.

 When the cooperation is completed, any.In the list of DO, two new lists, "Alexa Shopping List" and "Alexa To-Do List", will appear.This is equivalent to the "shopping list" and "task list" in Amazon Alexa, and then synchronized.

"」は、マルチプラットフォームに対応したタスク管理サービス(画像=左)。事前にユーザー登録を行ってログインできる状態にしておく。これは初期状態のリスト一覧画面だ(画像=右)続いて、Alexaアプリで「設定」→「リスト」を開く(画像=左)。連携可能なタスク管理サービスの中にAny.doがあるのでタップする(画像=右)Alexaスキルに"」が表示された。「有効にして使用する」をタップしよう(画像=左)。先ほど作ったアカウントでログインする(画像=右)ログインが終わるとリンクは完了だ(画像=左)。これでany.doが使えるようになった。再びAny.doにログインすると、さきほどはなかった「Alexa Shopping List」「Alexa to-do list」というリストが増えていることが分かる(画像=右)。これがAlexaの買い物リストとタスクリストに当たるAmazon Echoから追加したタスクを活用1|2次のページへ