Verizon's media brand Yahoo integration is accelerating ... Collection subscription Yahoo Plus is doing well

Verizon's media brand Yahoo integration is accelerating ... Collection subscription Yahoo Plus is doing well

[Updated on December 6] Article summary for learning the latest trends in audio media (podcasts)

Audio content represented by podcasts ... More media to read

[Updated December 6] Article summary to learn the latest trends in advertising in the post-cookie era

January 14, this year (US time), Google is on the Web ... more media to read

[Updated December 6] Article summary for learning media subscription

A subscription that is gaining worldwide attention as part of its strategy for survival of digital media. Have them subscribe for a monthly fee and build a long-term relationship with readers centered on their member ID. In addition to web content, there is also a trend to build a three-dimensional media business model such as podcasts, newsletters, and online / offline event businesses with subscriptions at the core.Read more

the latest news


Logly develops conversion measurement method that does not depend on 3rd Party cookies

Logly Co., Ltd. is a context-matched Natu ... Read more Companies

AnyMind Group to provide chat commerce platform "AnyChat" To provide comprehensive support including construction and operation of EC site

AnyMind Group Co., Ltd. is an EC and D2C ... Read more Companies

Small-scale restructuring after the merger of Vox Media and Group Nine ... 60 people

According to US news site Axios, Vot ... read more his newsletter

Current focus points of digital publishers [Media Innovation Newsletter] 3/7 issue

AOP (Association of Online Publishers), a UK online media industry group, has compiled the latest findings for digital publishers as "Digital Publishing: Meeting the Future." This is a material that shows the current ideas of each publisher, so I will briefly introduce it.Read more newsletter

Verge co-founder and editor-in-chief joins Google's Platforms & Ecosystems team [Media Innovation Daily] 3/5

Good morning, Media Innovati ... Read more Media

Russia imprisoned for 15 years for false reports ... Western media suspended, "Moscow Echo" disbanded

Russia invades Ukraine for domestic media control ... Read more



[Held on February 28 (Monday)] Future data & privacy, SP before revision of Personal Information Protection Law

Media Innovation revised in April ... Read more Notice

Opened online community "Innovators Salon" [Members only]

In Media Innovation, Me ... Read more Yuichi Tateishi

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ベライゾンが保有するメディアブランドのYahoo統合化が加速・・・コレクション型サブスクYahoo Plusが好調