Amazon Prime Hello!Is it Amazon to fill the last piece of cloud games!?

Amazon Prime Hello!Is it Amazon to fill the last piece of cloud games!?

 In March, Google finally started working in a cloud game.On the other hand, Amazon, a Tech Giant, has not shown any movement so far.

Amazonプライム万歳! クラウドゲームの最後のピースを埋めるのはAmazonなのか!?

 Speaking of Amazon, it can be said that the image of an EC site that is generally available is strong and is recognized by a wide range of people.If you're a core gamer, you might associate a technique that supports the game behind the scenes, such as a cloud server AWS, a video distribution site that is strong in games, and a game engine Lumberyard.It also has a game development studio called Amazon Game Studios, but has not produced a very noticeable hit.

 As mentioned above, it is completely unbearable that Amazon, which has a very deep relationship with the game and can reach a wide range of people, including all game fans, from light to core, is worshiping Google.

 Therefore, in this article, Amazon Rubber's writer, who lives with lovable Amazon products and feels that he cannot live without Aamzon's service, is looking for a cloud game service that Amazon will release in the future. Want to try.