Google, which takes a smart home finish, aims at "Google Home Hub"

Google, which takes a smart home finish, aims at "Google Home Hub"

 In the past, smart homes were confused.Many of the individual devices worked without any problems for those who set up them, but it was a big deal to share access with their families and synchronize multiple different devices from manufacturers.

 Smart speakers such as "Amazon Echo" and "Google Home" solved the problem to some extent by responding to multi -users.Google's renewed "Google Home" app and the new smart display "Google Home Hub" aims to go back to the touch control while leaving the sound option as it is and correct it.It means finishing it.

スマートホームの仕上げにかかるグーグルが「Google Home Hub」で目指すもの

Continuity is the key

 Google announced Google Home Hub at the "Made by Google" event held on October 9.It is a smart display that allows you to browse photos, watch videos, control smart home devices, etc. by combining smart speakers features such as Google Home with a touch screen.

 The company also showed a renewed Google Home app with Google Home Hub.The conventional Google Home app was purely to set up various smart speakers of Google, whereas the renewed apps have evolved into a smart home control center that provides a much wider feature than Amazon Echo and Google Home, the new Google Home Hub also provides a function that can control smart homes by voice, but also a simple touch control has been pushed to the front.

 Google Home Hub swipes the touch screen and accesses the smart home control panel.The panel includes a shortcut button for executing tasks such as lighting off lighting, checking the connected camera, broadcasting message, and playing music.These buttons change according to the type of smart home terminal owned by the user.Furthermore, if you want to adjust the temperature of the smart thermostat and the brightness of a specific bulb, it is possible to easily display a detailed view that classes all devices for each room.

提供:James Martin/CNET

 The main page of the new Google Home app uses a very similar control system to Google Home Hub.The same quick access button group as Google Home Hub is placed in the top, and when scrolling down, a view in which all devices are classified for each room are displayed.According to Ben Brown, senior product manager in charge of Google apps and connectivity, it was intentional to resemble the app to Google Home Hub.

 The goal of this app was to create a mechanism that we have already created for voice, that is, just come up with something and emit it in words.Speak."And we wanted to incorporate it into mobile."