What I learned by trying the wall holder of "Google Home Mini": Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker living

What I learned by trying the wall holder of "Google Home Mini": Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker living

 Last time, we introduced a wall hanger of "Amazon Echo Dot" on the market overseas, but the wall kit of "Google Home Mini" is rarely seen overseas.

 This is because Google Home Mini itself is a product that was just released in the fall of 2017, but it is hard to distribute on Amazon (there is no handling of Google Home Mini itself in the first place).With the increase in third -party accessories in the future, sales channels should be considerably limited.

 However, some people produce and sell these kits at the individual level.This time, "DMM."Make Creators Market" "Google Home Mini Wall Holder REV 2.I bought 0 "so let me introduce it.

「Google Home Miniの壁付けホルダー rev 2.0」を取り付けた様子

Can be attached to the wall of rental housing using a stapler

 DMM.The Make Creators Market is an online shop that will output and deliver with a 3D printer when you order the 3D data on display.Several accessories related to smart speakers created by users are also exhibited, and this time I purchased Google Home Mini Wall Holder REV 2.0 is one of them.

「Google Home Mini」の壁掛けホルダーを試して分かったこと:山口真弘のスマートスピーカー暮らし

 The body has a structure in which Google Home Mini is inserted into the wall, and only one part is one.Since the bottom is made very thin, it can be attached to the wall using a stapler needle without using screws or nails.Therefore, even if it is attached to the wall of the rental house, the great advantage is that the mark is not noticeable.

 By the way, the shape output in the 3D printer may need to be polished by paper file, etc., but what arrived at the hand this time was at a level that could be used without any treatment.There may be differences for each output, but it is unlikely that you need to bring out a cutter to remove burrs.

DMM.make クリエイターズマーケットで販売されている。受注してから出力するため到着までは数日かかる3Dプリンタで出力したデータなので、ビニールに包まれただけの簡易包装部品は1つだけステープラーを使って取り付けるための穴が上下それぞれ4カ所に空いているなるべくステープラーの針が深く刺さるよう、底面が薄くなっている壁面にはステープラーで取り付ける。受けが180度近くまで開くステープラーを用意しようケーブルを穴に貫通させる形で取り付ける。万一本体がホルダーから外れてもケーブルが引っ掛かるので落下することがない底が薄いことから壁面にかなりぴったりと沿って取り付けられる

It is easier to pick up voice commands and improved LED visibility

 As far as I actually tried, I feel that installing it on the wall has picked up the audio command more accurately than before.Originally, Google Home Mini's microphone has no directivity and a design that can pick up a wide range of sounds, but there may be a positive work that there is no obstacle around.Another advantage is that it makes it easier to check the LED of the body top plate from a distance.


 There are two bottles of the neck.One is that by attaching it to the wall with a cable hanging down, the heavens and earth are reversed from the oriented direction.Specifically, tapping the left side of the main unit increases the volume, and taps the right side to reduce the volume.This is the opposite of the right and left, so it is somewhat confusing until the sensation gets used to it.

 In addition, it is not very strong because it is installed with a stapler instead of screws or nails, and if the volume adjustment is performed too hard, the main unit may come off the holder.Although the body does not fall because it is supported by the cable outlet, it seems better to treat it slightly delicate.

 However, this is what I was worried about, and the satisfaction was very high.The price of 3D printing data is 1879 yen (tax included), but for those who are not sure about the location of Google Home Mini, it will be enough value.

Related keywords

スマートスピーカー | Google | Google Home

