What is AEON Kyushu's DX, which promotes unmanned stores, food delivery, and business reforms?

What is AEON Kyushu's DX, which promotes unmanned stores, food delivery, and business reforms?

Aeon Kyushu (Fukuoka / President Yuji Shibata) will integrate management with MaxValu Kyushu and Aeon Store Kyushu on September 1, 2020, and will be a food supermarket (SM), general supermarket (GMS), and discount store. (DS) and Home Center (HC), and has become the largest retailer in Kyushu with a total of 314 stores (as of the end of February 2021). What kind of digital strategy does Aeon Kyushu have?

Achieving 50 billion yen in digital sales in FY2013

Aeon Kyushu will create new customer experiences (CX) and better employee experiences (EX) by promoting digital transformation (DX). We aim to contribute to the growth and prosperity of life in Kyushu by providing, enhancing consumer convenience, and improving labor productivity. Mr. Ryo Iwashita, Executive Officer in charge of DX, said that as an approach to achieving this, he said, "First, we would like to work on creating new customer value while promoting the transformation of existing business processes. We will also actively take on the challenge of creating value and business models.”

Unmanned stores, food delivery, business reform What is AEON Kyushu's DX that promotes

AEON (Chiba Prefecture) has set a target of "1 trillion yen in digital sales in 2025" in its medium-term management plan from 2021 to 25, and will accelerate its digital business centered on EC and online supermarkets. ing.

 Aeon Kyushu, which is affiliated with Aeon Group, has been proactively working on digital business within the Aeon Group, such as opening an e-commerce site in 2008 and launching an online supermarket in 2013. In conjunction with Aeon's medium-term management plan, we aim to expand annual digital sales to 50 billion yen by fiscal 2025, and increase the digital sales ratio to 10%.

Fiscal 2021 is positioned as a "seed sowing period" for the expansion of the digital business, and we are promoting the construction of a system that can handle a business scale of 30 billion yen in net supermarket sales and 20 billion yen in EC sales. there is In September 2009, the EC site “AEON Kyushu Online” was reopened after renewal.

Opening an unmanned cashless store "Smart NICO"

 In conjunction with strengthening the digital business, we have also started reviewing the evaluation system. In fiscal 2021, a new evaluation system was introduced on a trial basis, in which ``5% of the evaluation of the product division will be allocated to digital initiatives''. Mr. Iwashita points out, "In order to lead the entire company in the same direction, it is essential to link DX initiatives with the company's structure."

Aeon Kyushu combines the strength of having a store with digital technology, and is actively developing new business formats and services that respond to regional characteristics and the diversification of consumer needs.

 From April 2021, we will open "Smart NICO", an unmanned cashless store for businesses, at seven locations in Fukuoka City, including Seibu Gas Information System (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) and Kyudenko (Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture). opened in the office of Its strength is that it can operate efficiently by having nearby stores take responsibility for product supply. Shinya Itaki, General Manager of the Digital Promotion Department, said, "We are accumulating knowledge and know-how about this new business format. Going forward, we will continue to work to improve our product lineup and operations, while expanding our business even further." there is

 In June 2009, we partnered with the food delivery service "Wolt" to launch an on-demand product delivery service that handles ready-to-eat items, side dishes, and alcoholic beverages. Mr. Iwashita says, "We launched this service as a service that meets the needs of niche consumers, but it has received more response than we expected." In the future, we plan to gradually expand the service area and compatible stores.

Next page introduces electronic shelf labels and transforms business processes