What kind of product is the genuine network camera "Google Nest Cam" in cooperation with Google Home?[Introduction]: Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker life (page 1/3)

What kind of product is the genuine network camera "Google Nest Cam" in cooperation with Google Home?[Introduction]: Masahiro Yamaguchi's smart speaker life (page 1/3)

 From Google, the NEST brand watching camera "Google Nest Cam" has appeared.It can be installed not only indoors but also outdoors, and features a video taken using a smartphone or the company's smart display "Google Nest Hub".

 Many web cameras that can work with Google Home have already been released from third parties, but what are the genuine products?This time, as an introduction, we will introduce the installation procedure while checking the characteristic mechanism centered on the exterior.

「Google Nest Cam(バッテリー式)」。Google Storeの直販価格は税込み2万3900円とやや高価だ

Available in various places regardless of indoors / outdoors

 The package is composed of the camera body, the base plate, and a set of parts for wall mounting.The desktop stand and the outdoor AC adapter described later are provided as a separate kit, and are combined according to the installation location.

Google Homeと連携する純正ネットワークカメラ「Google Nest Cam」ってどんな製品?【導入編】:山口真弘のスマートスピーカー暮らし(1/3 ページ)

 The exterior is a common outdoor network camera shape, but the unique product is that it adopts a mechanism in which the camera and the plate adsorb the magnet.This mechanism enables free angle adjustments that are not found in ball joint products.


 However, since it is only adsorbed, if it is installed outdoors, it is not unlikely that malicious third parties will be able to escape only the main unit, but in fact it is unlikely that such possibilities are unlikely.There are several reasons, but if you bring a camera to a plate to a few centimeters, the magnet is so powerful that the magnet will adsorb vigorously, so it is not easy to come off.

 In addition, this product has a built -in battery, and continues to send images even when the cable is pulled out.In other words, while you are within the Wi-Fi area, the culprit can be taken perfectly.It's important to be stolen, so it's a bit doubtful that you can find it even if you are stolen, but if you know the product, you won't want to try it out first.

 However, in terms of preventing casual mischief, it is better to install it outdoors to a high place that is as difficult to reach outdoors.Furthermore, since this product has water -resistant / protection, it is not waterproof, so we want to avoid installing it in a place where it rains directly.There are some photos on the product page that look confusing such characteristics, so be sure to grasp them before purchasing.

右上の壁用プレートを、右下のネジおよびアンカーを使って壁面に取り付けてから、カメラの台座にあたるマグネットプレートをはめ込む構造だ本来の取り付け手順とは逆だが、本体から見てネジはこのように取り付ける形になる電源ケーブルのコネクターは専用形状だコネクターの向きは決まっており、天地を逆にして取り付けることはできない電源はUSB経由で、付属のアダプターから給電する屋外利用を前提に、自宅の外壁にはわせるためのキット「Google Nest Cam 防塵・防滴ケーブル」(税込み3900円)もオプションとして用意されている。こちらはACアダプターで、USBからの給電ではない

 Next, let's look at the optional stand stand.


