Which material is easy to use for a scoop for snow shoveling?

Which material is easy to use for a scoop for snow shoveling?

[My Neighbor Tele Kin -chan -TV Kanazawa] January 18, 2022 Broadcasting "My Neighborhood Household Account Book" was a topic about snow removal scoops.

When I asked a woman in her 20s and 60s living in Ishikawa Prefecture according to a Woman style research, "How many snow shoveling scoops are there?"Follow it at 29 %.

Many families have more than that, and many people have one car one by one.

雪かき用のスコップって、どの材質が使いやすいの?の画像はこちら >>

There are a variety of snow shoveling scoops at Super Home Center Sashi in Kanazawa City, but it is recommended to buy early because it sells out as soon as snow falls every year.

One of the most commonly used materials for snow shoveling scoops is "polypropylene".It seems to be reasonable and snow is good.


The other is "polycarbonate".Although it is slightly higher than polypropylene, it is strong and can be used for wet snow.

Aluminum and iron scoops have a heavy impression for women, but they can also support hard snow and are encouraging to have one at home.However, although the recent aluminum cook has become very light, the tip may bend due to hard snow.

Therefore, I recommend all iron scoops.Since the wooden pattern is corroded, all iron seems to be durable.

About snow removal work during the program

There was also an opinion.

I really want to prepare a scoop as soon as possible.

(Writer: Rie 160)


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