STAY AT HOME!Starting with "Egretii Mini", the masterpiece shooting "Darius Gaiden" capture guide for beginners

STAY AT HOME!Starting with "Egretii Mini", the masterpiece shooting "Darius Gaiden" capture guide for beginners

Stay at home! 「EGRETII mini」で始める名作シューティング「ダライアス外伝」初心者向け攻略ガイド

 From the beginning of the year, the number of new colonovirus infected people has increased rapidly, and some prefectures have been extending the period of priority measures such as extension prevention.It will be the spring break season soon, but it seems that many people want to rest at home for vaccination during vaccination, or want to refrain from going out in the family.[See another image about this article] So, in this Stay at Home! Planning, Taito just released on March 2nd, as I want as many people as possible to relieve stress due to corona.I would like to introduce how to play for beginners in the Dalias Gaiden Dalias Gaiden, a horizontal scroll shooting game that uses the desktop -sized game console "EGRETII Mini", which contains 40 titles of the company."Darius Gaiden" is a horizontal scroll shooting game that started operation in 1994, the third installment of the arcade game "Dalias" series.The first "Darius" used three monitors side by side, and used a dedicated large housing that functions as one huge monitor ( * "Darius II" also used two monitors' housing).Although it is famous, this work can be played with a general -purpose video game housing, that is, the size of the monitor has appeared on a normal screen.Why did I pick up "Dalias Gaiden" in this project this time?The reason is that if you power up your own aircraft, it will be possible to shoot a powerful wave that penetrates enemies and obstacles, which is just a pleasure.Thankfully, the "Egretii mini" version has a series of firing buttons in advance.Regardless of whether it is an enemy boss or whatever, you can fight quite easily with the button and leave it, so there is no way to use it.If you use a black hole bomber when you pinch, the name of all enemies and enemy bullets on the screen will be sucked into a black hole, and the production that will be wiped out with flashy SE like thunder.So, it's just a matter of relieving stress.There are a wide variety of enemies, and every time you go to a new stage, the excitement of "What kind of enemy will come next?"And at the end of each stage, all 20 giant battleships with marine life motifs are too cool and various attack patterns are full of attractiveness that can be seen as an enemy.The visuals of each stage drawn using special effects such as raster scrolling, such as colony, cave, and seabed, are also wonderful, such as the sound of increasing the tension of players.I played this work in "Egretii Mini" after a long time, but I was able to enjoy it very much without feeling old -fashioned, although it is an old work that has already been released for 28 years.Hereafter, I remembered that I once wrote the strategy article of this work in magazines and strategy books, and summarized the capture guides for the most difficult route for beginners.You can make a mistake at first, so I want you to repeat the continuation and play to the ending.You will be fascinated by the exhilaration of defeating the enemy, the skill of the dot picture craftsman's craftsman, and the splendor of the sound.I hope this article will help your game life.■ "Dara outside" Basic system explanation: How to power up aerial shot is the largest point. The red fighter "Silver Hawk" (2p is blue) is operated in 8 -direction lever, and pressing the A button is pressed.Fire a bomb and press the B button to release a black hole bomber.Defeat the giant battleship (boss) waiting for each stage will result in clearing the stage, and after selecting one of the routes on the top and bottom, proceed to the next stage.By taking a medal (item) that appears when a specific enemy is defeated, your own aircraft will be powered up.If you take the red medal, the aerial shot will increase the level of the bomb, and when the blue medal is taken, an arm (barrier) to prevent enemy attacks will be installed.If your own aircraft is done, the aerial shot will drop one level at the time of restart, but the level of the bomb and arm will be maintained as it is.If you shoot a few aerial shots or bombs at a specific point, a gold or silver medal and a 1UP item may appear.In the gold medal, the effect of annihilating enemies and enemy ammunition in the screen, and the silver medal has randomly added bonus scores from 50 to 51,200 points, and 1UP items are literally one stock of their own aircraft.It has an increase in the number of individuals.In particular, I want to make sure that the medal of the gold and the 1UP item will be taken when it appears.When a bullet hits the medal or 1UP hidden, it shines for a moment, so it is a good idea to learn the appearance point as a landmark.The most important point to significantly reduce the difficulty level of this work and make it easier to play is to miss the red medal on purpose, and intentionally adjust the power of the aerial shot.Each time three red medals take three red medals, they power up in the order of laser, wave (small), wave (middle), wave (large) + search option, but adjust the number of medals on three and later.By adjusting the boss battle to the second stage of wave (medium) or wave (large) + search option, it is much easier to defeat.Why is it easier to defeat if you "stop" in the second stage of the big wave?The reason is that it can quickly damage by approaching the enemy by using a white shot that can fire in the second stage and does not penetrate the enemy.In the stage strategy described below, be sure to adjust these second stages and be known as "with white ball shots" after three sides.If you know this or not, even if you have a continuous fire button, there is a difference in the difficulty level.There are some tips on how to take the blue medal.Regardless of the level of the arm, if you take a medal without your arm is wearing an arm, you will always have three durable bullets.On the other hand, if the medal is already installed with an arm, the number of durable ammunition will be +1 in the case of normal, the following supermarkets will be +2, and the hyper will be +3.In other words, in the case of a normal arm, if the medal appears when the arm is small, the number of durable ammunition is left, it is better to hit the enemy or enemy bullet on purpose and then take the medal.The number is one shot.There is an upper limit on the number of durable ammunitions, 3 shots for normal, 4 shots for supermarkets, and 5 shots for hypers.Another thing that becomes a bottleneck when playing this work is that every time you clear the stage, the zone (stage) branches up and down.To know which stage is easier or difficult, which is easier or difficult to go to the next stage, which route is easy to capture, or if it's fun, repeat over and over again.You need to play."Egretii mini" has a play data save function, but checking the routes to clear all seven stages before the ending is a confident player in the game.But it will take a lot of effort.Therefore, in the following stage capture guide, we will focus on one of the recommended routes for beginners and all seven sides.The route is the "A-B-D-H-L-Q-V route", which goes up, up, up, up,, above, and above, go to the zone branch after clearing one side.Probably, this route will be able to clean one coin clear while enjoying the fun of this work.By the way, if it is troublesome to think about which one to proceed in the zone branch, if you go up or down, there will be strong enemies that compete for one or two in all bosses on the final side and six sides.Before you get used to it, you should avoid choosing all above or lower.Let's enter the main story now.Since the capture is assumed to be used by the firing button, if you play only with a normal attack button, please note that the pattern will be slightly different.In addition, in the boss battle, we prepared a video to defeat without using any bomber, but if you feel danger, you can use Bomber without hesitation, approach the boss's attack, and shoot more and more.In the video, there are some small mistakes, but I would be grateful if you could understand that if you use the firing buttons and "white ball shots", you can beat them so easily! 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Game Watch, Shigihara Moriyuki

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