Survey on device warranty and insurance for iPhone users of cheap smartphones

Survey on device warranty and insurance for iPhone users of cheap smartphones

Mysurance Co., Ltd. (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Fumito Kawakami), which provides smartphone insurance for cheap smartphone users*, and MMD Research Institute (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Director: Koji Yoshimoto) Jointly, we conducted a "Survey on terminal guarantees and insurance for iPhone users of cheap smartphones" to 3,273 male and female iPhone users aged 18 to 69 who use cheap smartphones. The survey results are as follows.
* Docomo (including ahamo), au, contract with a telecommunications company other than SoftBank

[Summary of survey results]

■ 52.6% of people have experienced problems/failures in the past "The screen cracked"
■ 23.8% of those who have a device warranty or insurance
70.6% of them have only a device warranty, and 70.6% have only insurance 8.1%
21.3% of those who subscribe to both device warranty and insurance
■ 56.4% of those who subscribe to a device warranty provided by a cheap smartphone operator are satisfied
Reason for joining ``The cost of self-pay for repairs and replacements is low'', ``It was recommended by a store clerk''
■ Satisfaction among those who subscribe to AppleCare+ provided by Apple is 57.6%
The reason for joining is ``Apple Reliable with the manufacturer's warranty", "Low copayment for repairs and replacements"
■ 70.3% of people who have enrolled in smartphone insurance, etc. provided by an insurance company are satisfied

The reasons are "low monthly insurance premiums" and "low cost of self-pay for repairs and replacements"
It refers to insurance products that compensate for damage to smartphones.

52.6% of people have experienced problems/failures in the past
The TOP 3 problems/failures are "frozen", "slow operation", and "screen cracked"

< p> When 3,273 male and female iPhone users aged 18 to 69 who use cheap smartphones were asked if they had experienced iPhone problems or malfunctions, 52.6 people answered that they had experienced troubles or problems. %.

Next, when we asked 1,721 people who had experience with iPhone failures and failures about the details of the failures and failures they experienced, 23.4% of them said, "Freeze" was the most common, followed by "Slow operation". 23.0%, and 20.5% "screen cracked".

23.8% of people have device warranty or insurance
70.6% have only device warranty, 8.1% have insurance only
Device warranty and insurance

3,273 male and female iPhone users aged 18 to 69 who use cheap smartphones have device guarantees (device guarantees of cheap smartphone operators and AppleCare + ) and whether they have insurance, 76.2% said they "do not" and 23.8% said they "have."

Next, when we asked the 779 people who answered that they had a device warranty or insurance about their subscription status, 70.6% answered that they had "only a device warranty", and that they had "both device warranty and insurance". 21.3% answered that they also subscribed to insurance, and 8.1% answered that they only subscribed to insurance.

Device warranty for cheap smartphone iPhone users and Insurance

56.4% of those subscribing to a device warranty provided by a cheap smartphone operator are satisfied
The reason for subscribing is that the self-pay amount for repairs and replacements is low, and the store clerk recommended it.

When we asked the 209 people who answered that they were currently subscribing to a device warranty provided by a cheap smartphone operator how satisfied they were with the device warranty, 23.4% said they were "satisfied" and "slightly satisfied." 33.0% of respondents answered that they are satisfied, and 56.4% of respondents answered that they were satisfied by combining "satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied."

Next, when asked why they subscribed to a cheap smartphone operator's terminal warranty (multiple answers), 30.6% said, "Because the cost of repairs and replacements is low," followed by "Clerk. 24.4% answered "Because I was recommended to do so", and 21.1% answered "Because the support in the event of a failure/malfunction is generous".

Satisfaction with AppleCare+ provided by Apple is 57.6%
The reasons for subscribing are "Reliable with Apple's manufacturer warranty" and "Low copayment for repairs and replacements"

When we asked the 224 people who answered that they are currently enrolled in AppleCare+, a device warranty provided by Apple, about their satisfaction with AppleCare+, 24.6% said they were "satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied." 33.0% of respondents answered that they were satisfied, and 57.6% of the respondents answered that they were satisfied with the combination of "satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied."

Next, when asked why they subscribed to AppleCare+ (multiple answers), 29.5% said, "Because Apple's manufacturer's warranty is reliable," followed by "Low copayment for repairs and replacements." 26.8% said, "Because I can handle it", and 18.8% said, "Because the support in the event of a failure or problem is generous".

70.3% of people who are subscribing to smartphone insurance provided by insurance companies are satisfied
The reasons for subscribing are "Low monthly insurance premiums" and "Low copayment for repairs and replacements."

When we asked the 101 people who answered that they were currently enrolled in smartphone insurance, etc., provided by an insurance company, how satisfied they were with smartphone insurance, etc., 38.6% said they were "satisfied," and "slightly satisfied." 31.7% answered that they are satisfied, and 70.3% of respondents answered that they were satisfied with the combination of "satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied."

Next, when asked why they subscribed to smartphone insurance, etc. (multiple answers allowed), 20.8% of the respondents said, "Because the monthly insurance premium is cheap," followed by "The copayment for repairs and replacements is low." 19.8% replied that the compensation will be paid out, and 13.9% answered that the compensation will continue even if the model is changed.

*Since this survey report is written with any number of digits after the decimal point rounded off, an error may occur when the figures are added up.

[Comment from MMD Research Institute]

Many people who use cheap smartphones understand how they use their smartphones, select a communication plan that suits them, and reduce communication charges. I am saving. In this survey, we asked iPhone users of cheap smartphones about their terminal warranty and insurance subscription status, and the subscription rate was 23.8%. In the era of choosing a communication plan that suits you, you will be required to wisely choose guarantees and insurance against terminal failures and troubles. In the future, we would like to continue to conduct fixed-point surveys on the actual conditions of device guarantees and insurance, and to disseminate the subscription rate and reasons for subscription.

Koji Yoshimoto Director of MMD Research Institute

[Comment from Mysurance Co., Ltd.]

Looking at the results of this time, it is clear that when switching to a cheap smartphone, those who were unable to continue with the device warranty or insurance they had subscribed to, and those who subscribed It is speculated that there are a certain number of people who have forgotten the procedure, and I feel that there is still room for the spread of guarantees and insurance for cheap smartphone users. Through our business activities, we would like to convey to as many customers as possible the unique benefits of insurance, which can be subscribed at any time, not just when purchasing a handset or switching to a cheap smartphone.

Mysurance Co., Ltd. President Fumito Kawakami

■ Overview of the survey

Survey period: April 8 to April 11, 2021
Valid responses: 3,273 people
Survey method: Internet survey
Survey target: Cheap Male and female iPhone users aged 18 to 69 who use smartphones Number of questions: 6

■ All survey questions

・ Have you ever experienced a malfunction or malfunction while using a smartphone? Please select all that apply.
・Are you currently subscribing to a smartphone terminal warranty service or insurance/compensation service? Please select your subscription status for each service.
・ I would like to ask those who have subscribed to the terminal warranty service provided by the telecommunications company. Please select all that apply as the reason why you subscribed to the terminal warranty service.
・ I would like to ask those who have subscribed to the device warranty service (AppleCare+) provided by Apple. Please select all that apply to you as a reason for joining AppleCare+.
・ I would like to ask those who are subscribing to insurance/compensation services (smartphone insurance, mobile insurance, etc.) provided by insurance companies. Please select all that apply to you as a reason for subscribing to the insurance/compensation service.
・ Satisfaction with the device warranty service provided by the cheap smartphone operator you are subscribed to, the device warranty service (AppleCare+) provided by Apple, and the insurance/compensation service provided by the insurance company Please select each.

[About Mysurance smartphone insurance]

We offer "smartphone insurance" exclusively for cheap smartphones/cheap SIMs, which can be subscribed from 200 yen per month to both new and used smartphones. A simple "light plan (200 yen per month)" that compensates only for damage and stains such as screen cracks, and a "standard plan (470 yen per month)" that covers a wide range of damage, stains, breakdowns, water damage, theft and loss. 2 plans are available. The enrollment procedure is a simple 3-step process that takes as little as 3 minutes. Even in the event of an accident, you can make an insurance claim online, and you can use not only regular repair shops, but also repair shops in your neighborhood.

If you have any questions about the above research, please contact us using the inquiry form.

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*Please contact us if you are a company that would like to be used for sales promotion.
*The results of this survey provide detailed data only for media outlets. Please specify "Mysurance x MMD Laboratory" when quoting the news.