"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Firefox has a screenshot shooting function.Even if you shoot the whole page page, add an annotation to the image, or install an add -on, you can do most of it as standard.Therefore, this time, I will introduce how to use the screenshot function of Firefox.
The screenshot of Firesfox is called from the address bar menu.Since there is no shortcut key, the cursor operation is required.
To shoot a screenshot, click "..." at the right end of the address bar and select "Shoot a screenshot".
Continue to select the shooting method.If you want to shoot the entire page, click "Save the entire page" or "Save the display range" on the upper right.When you select "Save the entire page", the entire page, including the invisible part on the screen, is saved.If you want to shoot only the visible part, select "Save the display range".
It is also possible to shoot only a part of the page.When you move the cursor, the elements in the page will be selected.Click in this state to shoot only specific parts in the page.It is also possible to drag the mouse and manually specify the selection.
Finally, select the save destination.Click the "Download" button to save it in the local storage.Press the "Copy" button to copy it to the clipboard, or click "Save" at the right end to temporarily save it in the cloud space.
If you specify the selection, you can move the selection before saving.If you want to spread the shooting range or want to narrow it, drag the control handle displayed on the edge.
When you select a save destination, click "Save" to save the image in the cloud space called "Your Shot".There seems to be no capacity limit, but there is a restriction that the storage period is within 14 days.
You can open the screenshot from the screen for "your own shot", but it is easy to open your own shot.
Images saved in your own shot can be sent to other users (shared) or add annotations.Since it can be posted directly to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., it is convenient to go through the "free shot" when sharing screenshots with other users.