The display in the private toilet room is a hot topic. "Current stay time is 10 minutes or more." "The room is full."  ??

The display in the private toilet room is a hot topic. "Current stay time is 10 minutes or more." "The room is full." ??

A tablet that displays the length of stay.It seems that the toilet is being rushed ... = Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Daimaru Kyoto store


The current stay time is 10 minutes or more. A tablet is installed in the private room of the toilet at the Daimaru Kyoto store in Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, which tells you when you are busy. When you enter the private room, the numbers displayed on the tablet gradually advance, but there is also a note next to it saying "If you are not feeling well, please use it slowly." It's like the toilet is being rushed by silent pressure, it's not ... What the hell is it for? I asked the person in charge. [Photo] When the private room is full, the message "Full" is displayed ... It's dangerous! I have to get out ~ ■ Part of the service that allows you to check the availability of toilets on your smartphone A spokesman for the Daimaru Kyoto store says, "This is part of the service that allows you to check the availability of toilets on your smartphone." When you access the dedicated site from the store's homepage, the usage status of Western-style toilets on the 2nd to 8th basement floors will be displayed separately for men and women. The Daimaru Kyoto store was built in 1928 (Showa 3) and has been remodeled and expanded. The basic structure of the building has not changed, and there are not so many private toilet rooms, one or two for men and a maximum of six for women. Especially on the lower floors, the rooms are often full, so we introduced a service last spring so that customers can check which toilets are available. However, as for the reason why the staying time is displayed, he wondered "Why ...". When I asked VACAN Co., Ltd., which provides the service, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, I found that it was a mechanism to reduce the congestion of toilets. Sit on the toilet seat and suddenly think about it, touch your smartphone, and so on. "Because the toilet is a relaxing place, some people will stay longer if they notice it, but surprisingly, they don't know how long they spend in the toilet," said the person in charge. By visualizing the length of stay, the purpose is to encourage the feeling of giving up, "Is it such a long time? I wonder if there may be people in trouble." In 2016, the company started a service to check the congestion status of toilets with the concept of "visualization of space". After conducting a one-month demonstration experiment at an office in Tokyo in 2008, the number of stays of 30 minutes or more decreased by 64% before and after the introduction. The data was obtained that it decreased by 43% for 20 minutes or more and 29% for 15 minutes or more. Currently, it is installed in 2500 private rooms nationwide. However, he says he is not rushing to the bathroom. "We have many employees who are hungry, and we can understand the painful feelings of abdominal pain and the situation where we have to use it for a long time due to poor physical condition. It is a toilet environment where you can run into the toilet environment "(Maidona News / Kobe Shimbun, Minami Yamawaki)

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