"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
Trial Holdings of Discount Store, based in Kyushu, promoting the conversion of real retail stores to use a "smart shopping cart", AI (artificial intelligence) camera, and digital signage equipped with tablets.Fukuoka City).The point of the strategy of trying to compete with Amazon Dotcom, a smart store "Amazon Go", which is handled in the United States, is "I can't innovate with one company alone.。We followed an initiative that symbolizes the actual situation.
「リモートワークタウン ムスブ宮若」プロジェクトの一環として開催された「第1回宮若国際芸術トリエンナーレ」の開催を示すテープカット。トライアルIoTラボ(旧宮田西中学校体育館)で、右から宮若市市長の有吉哲信氏、トライアルHD社長の亀田晃一氏、九州大学総長の石橋達朗氏、宮若市議会議長の遠藤嘉昭氏[画像のクリックで拡大表示]At 9:30 am on July 29, 2021, at the former Miyata City, located in the middle of Fukuoka City and Kitakyushu City, a train and a bus from Hakata Station to about 1 hour and 45 minutes.A reporter presentation of the "Remote Work Town Musbu Miyako" project was held.
Remote Work Town Musbu Miyako is a concept of regional revitalization and town development that the trial HD and Miyawaka City have concluded a cooperation agreement in 20 years and promotes and promoted.The trial HD has been developed in the Kyushu and Kanto areas, with smart shopping carts equipped with tablets, AI cameras, and large digital signage installed in the store.We have analyzed the past purchasing history of users and sales data for each product, and have been conducting various marketing initiatives at stores.Regarding the digitalization and data of retail, which is often deprived of Amazon Go, etc., it is one of the pioneers in Japan (reference article: "What is the opportunity of recommendation?
In addition to the trial HD and the two people of Miyawaka City, the research institutions such as Kyushu University, manufacturers in partnership with trials, wholesalers, etc. are also added, and Miyako City is "Retail DX (Digital Transformation) base = retailtech.Aim to activate as a town.
Specifically, the Musubu AI (Musubu AI), a facility in which the former Yoshikawa Elementary School is re -maintained and a trial IT engineer, manufacturer, wholesale AI engineer, etc. jointly develop retail AI.Opened.The idea is to be a "place" for trial groups, manufacturers, wholesale engineers, and university researchers.The name is private, but it is said that adjustments have already been made with multiple manufacturers dispatched to Musuba AI.
Next, the former Miyata Nishi Junior High School is established, and the center "Trial IoT Lab" is opened by the center of the present, which is developed by a smart shopping cart, AI camera, and digital signage, and has opened a full -scale.The operation has begun.This is a research base for a trial group at the start, but "Depending on the future progress, we will also use it as a place for co -creation with manufacturers, wholesale, university, etc."Mr.).
MUSUBU AIの外観。旧吉川小学校の校舎をPFI(プライベイト・ファイナンス・イニシアティブ)の手法で宮若市から借り受け、ほぼそのまま利用する形で再生させた。体育館は地元農家の食材を利用したレストランに生まれ変わる計画[画像のクリックで拡大表示]TRIAL IoT Labの外観。旧宮田西中学校の跡地をトライアルHDが買い取り、校舎をほぼそのまま生かして再生させた[画像のクリックで拡大表示]This content and functions are limited to paid members.
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