The number of people who want to fall into a nursery school is increasing? A regional disparity that spreads out of the present

The number of people who want to fall into a nursery school is increasing? A regional disparity that spreads out of the present

"Having life" is performed by parents to put children in a nursery school.Even though the number of waiting children is decreasing, many local governments are still forced to keep strict care.

If the nursery school does not enter the 0 -year -old class in April, it will be quite difficult to enter, and if you were born in December, you will leave your child in a nursery school four months after birth.

保育園に落ちたい人が増加中? 「保活」の今と広がる地域格差

On the other hand, there are few local governments that have few waiting children and can enter the nursery school at any time.In such local governments, there are parents who want to extend their childcare leave for one year in principle without having to leave their children at the age of 0 years old.

But do you know that you need to fall into a nursery school for that?At present, the preservation situation is different depending on the local government, and the disparity between areas where waiting child problems have been improved and the non -regional regions are expanding.

Answered Yoko Iida, a preservative writer about why the disparity is born in the region, what kind of efforts are being made in local governments where the waiting child problem has been improved, and the recent questions about the recent preservation.I got it (editorial department).