The second recruitment of private entrance exams is in full swing Tokyo Joshi Gakuen promotes the new school building & preparatory school in the school, and the principal has served as the director of Keio University

The second recruitment of private entrance exams is in full swing Tokyo Joshi Gakuen promotes the new school building & preparatory school in the school, and the principal has served as the director of Keio University

In the first recruitment of entrance exams, test your ICT exploration ability with "Smartphone bring-in OK entrance exam"

Tokyo Joshi Gakuen with entrance exams for bringing in smartphones [Photo: ENCOUNT editorial department]

私立中入試2次募集が本格化 東京女子学園は新校舎&校内予備校をPR、校長は慶大学部長を歴任

The peak of private junior high school exams that started in January has passed, and the second recruitment has begun in earnest. Some students may challenge the second recruitment due to unwilling results or absenteeism due to Corona. Since there are surprisingly many private junior high schools that actually conduct secondary recruitment, the options for students and parents are expanded. [Video] Japanese junior high school students hate mathematics ... Takeshi Kawazoe, Principal of Tokyo Joshi Gakuen Junior High School (Shiba, Tokyo) has set up an entrance examination schedule for the second recruitment multiple times and will hold it on the morning of the 23rd. At the same school, "I couldn't take the entrance examination due to the influence of the new coronavirus infection, etc., I want a chance to show the results of my studies again, etc." We are preparing for the second recruitment. " In addition to the one-subject selection test from "Japanese, Arithmetic, and English," an interview (jointly with examinees and parents) will be held. The school has already conducted a total of five entrance exams (in the morning and afternoon, a total of 60 recruits) from February 1st to 5th, and the announcement of the results has been completed. What is unique is that there is an "OK entrance exam for bringing in smartphones". For example, there are three types of examination subjects for the second entrance examination held on the afternoon of February 1, and one course is selected from (1) Japanese language, math, English, and ICT exploration (smartphone bring-in OK entrance examination). Interviews with examinees and parents (2) Two departments of national language and mathematics (3) Aptitude test type (data science). Speaking of smartphones, the incident in which a student of the Common Test for University Admissions leaked a question to the outside during the world history exam is new to my memory, but what kind of exam is it? According to the past problems implemented in 21 years published on the homepage, the first question is "How do you study when you become a junior high school student?" Please explain the reason by looking back on the way you have studied so far and comparing it with the past. " The address and QR code of the report are displayed below the question text, and the examinee can read it with a smartphone and answer. The second question is, "Which do you think the cream puffs sell better in Okinawa or Hokkaido in a day? Predict the number of cream puffs, using the information you researched, and use numbers and formulas. I tested my ability to collect information and analyze data with the question "Write me." The third question is a picture of a taxi lined up in a parking lot at a tourist spot, and the question is, "Please access this link and answer the picture below on the Web." Similarly, the address and QR code were displayed below the question text. Regarding this kind of entrance exam that allows you to bring your own smartphone, the school said, "This is an entrance exam that searches for information on the Internet using your smartphone or a tablet rented by the school, and combines that information to express your thoughts. There are big questions that express one's thoughts on paper with letters, figures, pictures, etc., and there is also the problem of the CBT (Computer Based Testing) method using Google Forms etc. "

Next page: The biggest appeal is the new school building that will be completed in April 2011, which marks the 120th anniversary of its founding.

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