You can see news, dramas, movies, etc.!How to watch a distribution video with Abema [Smartphone Basic Kimono]

You can see news, dramas, movies, etc.!How to watch a distribution video with Abema [Smartphone Basic Kimono]

You can see news, dramas, movies, etc.!How to watch a distribution video in Abema

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the necessities of living, a smartphone (for short).I know that there are various functions, but I often hear from the Salai generation that I can't use it except for telephone, camera, email, and LINE.Therefore, this time, a professional group "Women's Club JAPAN (・ V ・)", which also performs smartphone courses, will also introduce how to solve problems with smartphones.Just knowing how to do it will make your smartphone very easy to use!The 74th theme is "How to watch distribution videos in Abema"."Abema" is a video distribution service that allows you to enjoy news, dramas, and movies broadcast along the program guide, like a TV at home, and also select and watch works.Basically, it can be used for free, but please note that some of the "Abema Premium" can be seen unless you join a paid member (960 yen per month).The app has already been downloaded and will be introduced from the place where the app is opened.

Select the channel being broadcast

Tap your favorite channel

When you open the app, the "Home" screen will be displayed.Here, the program video currently being broadcast is flowing.If you want to change the channel, swipe the central part to the left and right and tap your favorite channel.

You can see news, dramas, movies, etc.!How to watch a distribution video in Abema【スマホ基本のき】

There is a display called "Program Table", so here is a tab.

You can also select a channel by looking at the program guide.Tap here because there is a display called "Program Table" at the bottom right of the video being broadcast.

If you have a program you are interested in, tab it

When you open the program guide, you can know the program scheduled to be broadcast.The one with the play button is currently being broadcast.If there is a program you are interested in, tap it.

Tap "Broadcast"

するとこのような画面が出てくるのでTap "Broadcast"。

Select and see the work

Swipe left and right and select the genre you want to see

作品を選んで視聴したいときは、画面下部にあるメニューの「ジャンル」をタップします。すると画面上部にジャンルが表示されるのでこの部分をSwipe left and right and select the genre you want to see。ちなみにジャンルは「ドラマ」、「映画」、「バラエティ」、「アニメ」、「恋愛番組」、「総決算」、「新着」、「ストア」、「韓流・華流」、「K-POP」、「麻雀」、「格闘技」、「ニュース」、「テレ朝見逃し」、「スポーツ」、「ドキュメンタリー」、「HIPHOP」、「釣り」、「音楽」と種類が豊富。
