The weekend "little throw fishing" feels good!Let's go to the sea with a new partner, Compact Wagon, a new Shuttle!

The weekend "little throw fishing" feels good!Let's go to the sea with a new partner, Compact Wagon, a new Shuttle!

I haven't fished yet but enjoy the local fish

 You can't fight if you're hungry!That's why I stopped by the "Hama no Kitchen Okana Club" where you can get freshly landed seafood.I'm planning to catch a delicious big game in the future, but let's have a fisherman first.

週末“ちょい投げ釣り”が気持ちいい! 遊べる相棒・コンパクトワゴン新SHUTTLEで海に行こうぜ!

 I ordered the classic "Manpaku set meal" and the "Enzara set set meal" recommended by the clerk, and lunch time with the staff.

I heard the name "Enzara" for the first time, but it is a "phantom fish" that is not widely distributed to the market with a friend of Kamasu.It looks a bit grotesque and has a lot of horizontal bones with deep -sea fish, but the taste is really delicious.

 If you meet "Enzara" on a Boso trip, why not try it?

漁港の近くにあった「おさかな倶楽部」に立ち寄ったその日の朝に水揚げされた新鮮な素材を活かしたメニューがズラリ漁師メシだけあって、お造りも豪快なサイズ! いただきます「まんぷく定食」は、マグロ、メダイ、サゴチ、ワラサのお造りや、シイラとアジのフライ、煮魚などがセットになったボリューム満点のメニュー「エンザラセット定食」は、幻の魚「エンザラ」を塩焼きと煮付けでたっぷり堪能できるメニュー。脂がのった身が絶品小骨が多く、骨を抜くと身が崩れてしまうため、ハモ料理のように丁寧な骨切りがされていた