How about a competition counterattack to acquire 7.8 trillion yen in Microsoft games?Whereabouts of the M & A battle expected by Wall Street

How about a competition counterattack to acquire 7.8 trillion yen in Microsoft games?Whereabouts of the M & A battle expected by Wall Street

マイクロソフト(Microsoft)は、大手ゲーム会社アクティビジョン・ブリザード(Activision Blizzard)を687億ドル(約7兆8300億円)で買収すると発表した。この動きによって、IT、メディア、ソフトウェア会社などゲーム事業の強化を狙う業界各社のM&Aに拍車がかかるかもしれない。


The target is, for example, The Sims (The Sims), Electronic Arts (Electronic Arts), a game software development sales company famous for EA sports games, or the action game series Assassin's Creed.French Ubisoft (Ubisoft), which is known for development.

マイクロソフトのゲーム大手7.8兆円買収に競合の反撃は? ウォール街が予想するM&A合戦の行方

Ubisoft, based in France, is one of the major publishers with hits such as the Assassin Creed series.


It is said that the 3D content development company Unity (Unity) can be a candidate for Game companies that seek the tools needed for the construction of the Methabath world, including Sony.Experts say that Roblox, which provides online game platform and game development system, may also be a candidate, but the company is more likely to expand the game area in the future.。

Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox are competing.DOUG CREUTZ, a senior analyst of Cowen, an investment management company, in a report on January 18, 2022, Sony considers a large acquisition to expand its games.It is necessary to do.
