"Portable Wi-Fi" Review
It is a "platform" that boasts * tools that are not tools.What is the true advertising measurement effect brought by Aduebis?I explored from a conversation between Transcosmos, an advertising agency that actually utilizes Aduebis, and Ilgurum.
※日本マーケティングリサーチ機構調べ左から、イルグルムの松上晃平氏(アドエビス事業推進本部 パートナーアライアンス部 パートナーサクセス2課)、トランスコスモスの児玉奈央氏(DEC統括 DTF総括 デジタルエージェンシー本部 DA統括部 DA3部 3課 リーダー)、溝江光氏(DEC統括 DTF総括 デジタルエージェンシー本部 事業推進統括部 データマーケティング部 データソリューション課 課長)。2社対談形式で、アドエビスの活用事例について語っていただいた
―― Speaking of Transcosmos, you are a company that is responsible for a wide range of tasks from BPO to site production and overseas business, but first of all, please tell us about the work of your department.
Transcosmos Mizoe: At the digital agency headquarters to which I and Kodama belongs, the mission is to capture the customer experience of consumers with a full funnel and increase the advertising value.The final goal is to maximize the business growth of client companies through these advertising activities, and Ilgurum's Aduebis is indispensable.I am always taking care of Mr. Matsugami.
Ilgurum Matsugami: This is the only thing.In retrospect, it will be more than 10 years.
――I think the two companies have seen many web advertising measures for their work, but what are the changes in Web marketing?
Ilgurum Matsugami: The first thing that lists is the effect of "change of consumer behavior."The number of devices such as PCs, smartphones, and tablets has increased, and services that use SNS and video services have increased.Digital utilization has accelerated due to corona evil, and I feel that consumer behavior has become more complicated in recent years.
Transcosmos Kodama: As you said.I myself work as a marketer, but the amount of data, as well as indicators to grasp, are increasing and diversifying.
Ilgurum Matsugami: In recent years, the effects of cookies regulations have been strong in Web marketing.As before, it is difficult to measure user behavior at a high degree of freedom. How is this point?
Transcosmos Kodama: In my case, about 85 % are CVs from Safari and Google Chrome.Cookie regulations will cause CV deficiency (measurement of CV data), which will not be able to accurately evaluate the advertising effect.Correspondence to cookie regulations is also a major change in recent years.
――How should web marketing be transformed in the future?
Transcosmos Kodama: The most important thing is "accurate CV measurement".
Ilgurum Matsugami: Changes in consumer behavior, web advertising, nature search, SNS, and even -wand media, and the use of various customers, it is becoming more difficult to measure CV.Until now, the place where the product was nominated in the browser and purchased and contracted on the site as it was, but now it is complicated to watch videos, collect information on SNS, and search.。
Transcosmos Mizoe: Matsugami -san's contact with multiple web measures, that is, the last click that will be the final contact through an indirect CV that becomes the "first and intermediate contact", this is remarkably changed before and after the corona.It's coming out.I think there is a change in how to evaluate indirect CVs, not just listing ads that were the last clicks.
――How are Ad Evis active in such an environment?
Transcosmos Mizoe: In terms of our advertising agency, the first feature we want to mention is that we can centrally manage advertising results on multiple media on one screen.
Ilgurum Matsugami: If you manage CVs separately in each medium, a difference may occur between the measured data and the final CV result.
Transcosmos Mizoe: Yes.Ad Ebis can manage multiple media on one screen simply by issuing parameters for each media and adding or submission (registration) to the advertising URL, and can perform the correct CV measurement without duplicate.In addition, client companies can also evaluate contact routes (user flow lines) up to CVs, including inflow routes other than web advertising measures such as natural search, and evaluate indirect CVs and "whether they actually led to contracts".Demand has increased in recent years.Indeed, I feel that it is a solution in line with the times.
イルグルム 松上:先ほど溝江さんから「間接CVをどう評価するべきか」というお話が出ましたが、アドエビスではラストクリックだけではなく、初回接触、間接効果を加味したアトリビューション分析※を前提としています。各広告媒体におけるクリック数、表示回数などのほか独自の指標を設けており、都度、計測データをダウンロードして集計しなくても、それらを一画面でデフォルト表示できる点も特徴です。
アドエビスで広告を計測すると、一画面でまとめて進捗(しんちょく)や成果を確認できる。複数の広告施策を横断して評価できる、アトリビューション分析※の指標をデフォルトで搭載している点も特徴* Attributation analysis: A method of analyzing the contribution of the advertisement to the CV, including the advertisement clicked just before the CV, but also the indirect effects of the advertisement that the user contacted in front of it.
――Please tell us if there is a case of advertising measures that have changed by Ad Ebis.
Transcosmos Kodama: This is an example in a project that leads to actual contracts offline after requesting materials from the web.We have set a request for materials for the CV of the web advertising measure, but since the CV tends to grow every year, the customer recognizes that the advertisement is an "suppression phase".Because the CV does not grow, it will not contribute to the final goal, which is an advertising expenses.
Transcosmos Mizoe: The point of this case is that online behavior (requested materials) and offline behavior (construct) are attached to Aduebis.Specifically, we acquired the user ID by online behavior, attached a string to the core data (number of contracts), and returned the data to Aduebis.
Ilgurm Matsugami: Ad Ebisu also offers an external service linkage function that uses offline CV data acquired in CRM and SFA and advertising history in advertisement measures on ad Ebis.This allows you to visualize the movement after clicking on the web advertisement, "What is the tendency of CV users who have led to the contract?"
Transcosmos Mizoe: By optimizing not only the immediate CVs but also advertising measures, we will connect to better advertising planning in the future.Ad Ebisu feels like a platform that creates a good flow of Web marketing.
Transcosmos Kodama: I was surprised at Aduebisu's speed for ITP measures.Sure, iOS14.Three weeks after the release of 2, it was taken with the measurement method using "NS record".Ad Evis is wonderful (laughs).
Ilgurum Matsugami: Thank you (laughs).We also set up a dedicated team for ITP measures, and we strive to develop quickly by always catching up information.
――What are the measurement methods using “ITP” and “NS records”?
Ilgurum Matsugami: As you know, it is becoming more difficult to collect and use personal information using third party cookies (3rd Party Cookie) due to the purpose of protecting personal information.Among the web browsers, Apple, which provides Safari, has already implemented a tracking prevention function, which is called "ITP".
Webマーケティングにおいて、Cookie規制に影響を受けていると感じている経営・マーケティング担当者は多い(出所:イルグルム「企業のWebマーケティングにおける、Cookie利用規制の影響に関するアンケート調査」より)Transcosmos Mizoe: The establishment of an ITP countermeasure is established is a particularly useful part of Ad Evis.I am really grateful that there is no need to set custom settings because ITP measures are incorporated by default.
Ilgurum Matsugami: At the beginning, Kodama pointed out that "CV deficiency would occur if the regulation was applied," but in the exact CV measurement that Advises, it must be avoided.In the future, I would like to focus on maintaining a system that can quickly take measures even if such platformers are strengthened.
――I think there are other advertising effect measurement tools, but please tell us why you choose Ad Ebis.
Transcosmos Mizoe: I feel that it is out of the "ITP countermeasure", including a sense of speed, and "centralized advertising measures" can be set by other companies tools, but the simplicity of Ad Ebisu is as simple.There is none.An excellent usability is a major reason for selecting.
Transcosmos Kodama: UI and ease of use have become a decisive factor, and I feel that there are actually many cases where you choose Aduebis.In fact, many customers say that they have been assigned to the web marketing person with almost zero experience, but Aduebis can be operated intuitively with easy -to -understand UI.I often hear voices saying, "Simple and easy to see and visualize issues," and "you can measure and analyze advanced data with simple operations."
複数媒体の当月の全体進捗も、視覚的に把握しやすい(左)。また、通常は「加工しない生データでは分かりにくいため、レポートをツールからダウンロードして集計するひと手間をかけなければお客さまに見せられなかった」(児玉氏)というコストアロケーション分析画面(右。投資コストとCV獲得効率から抑制可能コストを算出すること)も、デフォルトでダッシュボード表示できるTranscosmos Mizoe: In terms of "advanced data measurement / analysis", the route analysis screen "Log Ebisu" is also helped.Many advertising effects measurement tools end with "The contact route was like this" and "How many CVs were".However, Log Ebisu can further dig deeper to "user's site transition", and visualize issues such as the rise in withdrawal rates on specific pages.
Ilgurum Matsugami: Even if you hit it and guide you to the site, it will be meaningless if you do not reach the CV and leave.
Transcosmos Mizoe: That's right.You can also propose a site renovation as needed, and you can visualize issues and analyze data with the next linked to advertising agencies.This is something that can only be realized in Aduebis.
Transcosmos Kodama: "Agent authority" is also useful.There are many cases where the same client has multiple advertising agencies, but Ad Ebis can limit the range of viewing of each advertisement with agent authority.The fact that an advertising agency has a wealth of functions that can be reached to Kayui is also a reason to keep using Ad Ebis.
――Aduebis asked that a fulfilling support is also characteristic.
Transcosmos Kodama: I think there is basically a support for any tool, but Aduebis will respond not only by inquiry form but also by phone and email, and most of all, the response is faster every time!
Transcosmos Mizoe: For example, even if the number of CVs decreases significantly, it is encouraging to investigate the cause together.In addition to reviewing advertising measures, you can provide customers with data by consulting from the viewpoint of the “measurement method”.
Ilgurum Matsugami: We are regularly checking how to use the measurement values according to the contents of the inquiry, as well as how to use it according to the purpose at the time of introduction.If there is an anomalous value in the measurement value, we may contact you here and conduct a survey to identify the factors.
Transcosmos Mizoe: When performing measurement design at the time of introduction, some customers have a complicated site structure and have problems such as "I can't get the value that should be obtained by Aduebis".In such a case, if you consult with Mr. Matsugami or a support center, you can provide solutions that cannot be obtained by our knowledge alone, so you can operate smoothly.
Ilgurum Matsugami: I'm glad it seems useful.I think that the target value may change as it is used, but we are always conscious of the settings and usage of the advice that is suitable for the goals and purposes at that time, and tuning.I'm doing it.
Transcosmos Mizoe: There are other advertising effects measurement tools, but there is nothing more highly as Adueis, given the multifunctional, ease of use, and support.We would like to continue proposing to many customers.
Transcosmos Kodama: We would like to accurately visualize cost -effectiveness in anticipation of the final goals of customers, such as contracts, product prices, and LTV improvement, so we will continue to use Ad Ebis.I want to turn the PDCA cycle.Actually, some customers have grown for the fifth consecutive year since they started using Ad Ebis, and have produced advertisements with a growth rate of 250 % or more, so we continue to borrow the power of Il Gurum and grow up every year.I want to continue.Ad Evis is also updated frequently, so we look forward to further enhancement!
Ilgurum Matsugami: Thank you.Web marketing is at a turning point, but we would like to continue to strengthen Adue's functions and support systems in order to contribute to the sales of advertising agencies and end clients and web marketing strategies.。