Is the 13 -inch MacBook Pro equipped with M2 really come out?Famous analysts questions

Is the 13 -inch MacBook Pro equipped with M2 really come out?Famous analysts questions

MacBook Pro is expected to be announced at the March 8 event

"PEEK PERFORMANCE" will be held by Apple at 10:00 am on March 8 local time (3:00 am on March 9 in Japan time).It is rumored that a 13 -inch MacBook Pro with a "M2" processor will be announced, along with the iPhone SE (3rd generation) and the iPad Air (5th generation).For the 13 -inch MacBook Pro, the other day, information on detailed specifications and prices, which are considered to be from the model, were disclosed and attracted attention.

M2搭載13インチMacBook Proは本当に出る?著名アナリストが疑問の声

Will Apple upgrade a product with an outdated design?

しかし、Appleサプライヤーからの信頼性の高い情報をもとにした予測で知られるTF International Securitiesのアナリスト、ミンチー・クオ氏はTwitterで以下のように発言し、「M2」搭載13インチMacBook Proについて一歩引いた姿勢を示しています。

Some people hope that Apple will announce the 13 -inch MacBook Pro update.I'm curious if Apple is interested in upgrading the old -fashioned foam factor design products.

13 inch MacBook Pro with the same design from 2016

The current 13 -inch MacBook Pro has maintained the exact same appearance design for about five and a half years since it was announced in October 2016, and it has been inevitable to say "outdated".。The 15 -inch MacBook Pro, which was released at the same time as the 13 -inch, was expanded to 16 inches in November 2019, but 13 inches remained the conventional design.Even if the M1 processor is installed in the fall of 2020, the appearance design will not be changed, and sales will continue even if a 14 -inch and 16 -inch MacBook Pro equipped with M1 Pro and M1 MAX in the fall of 2021.

Mr. Quo, who recently started working on Twitter

Minchi Kuo has been silent on the Twitter account since its opening in 2011, except for posting profile images, but recently tweets that predict the storage capacity and color variations of the iPhone SE (3rd generation).doing.Apple event "Peek Performance.Can be viewed on Apple's website or official YouTube channel.Source: Ming-Chi Kuo/Twitter (HATO)