Is the new iPhone SE 3 larger and a side fingerprint authentication?Other than 5G compatible, one after another

Is the new iPhone SE 3 larger and a side fingerprint authentication?Other than 5G compatible, one after another

 Apple's new iPhone SE seems to have some improvements, not only the support of the 5th generation mobile communication system (5G) that was initially flowed.Here are the rumors from the supply chain.

It was said that it would be released in the first half of 2022 with 5G compatible ...

 The first rumor was that it supported 5G and a terminal that upgraded the A series chips was launched in early 2022.

 The iPhone SE was a low -priced version, so it seemed to be an upgraded upgrade as expected, but new rumors appear.

新型iPhone SE 3は大型化&側面指紋認証になる? 5G対応以外にもうわさ続々

Screen size larger & side Touch ID

 That is the new iPhone SE 3 using the iPhone XR housing (reference 1, 2).

 The size of the iPhone XR, that is, the size of the LCD display is 6.It will be 1 inch, and the body will be larger than before.

 In addition, the iPhone XR is a terminal equipped with a face authentication Face ID, but the iPhone SE 3 has a fingerprint authentication Touch ID on the side power button.The side Touch ID is a function used in the current iPad Air and iPad mini.

 As a result, the screen is large, but an iPhone with fingerprint authentication, which is easy to handle even in corona evil, will appear.

 By the way, this iPhone SE 3 (tentative name) is prepared for two models, the price is expected to be $ 499 for a low cost version, and the high cost version is expected to be $ 699.However, we do not know what the difference is.

Will many users be able to use 5G?

 Of course, these are all right, so I don't know if such a device will really come out.

 However, there is a story that Apple continues to develop its own 5G modem chip, so it is highly likely that relatively cheap iPhone that supports 5G will come out.

 In Japan, where the number of users on iPhone is large, more users are likely to be able to experience 5G high -speed communication.I hope that 5g base stations will expand by then ...