If you have this, you can see Netflix on the big screen!A long -awaited kit that you can enjoy with Toyota's display audio

If you have this, you can see Netflix on the big screen!A long -awaited kit that you can enjoy with Toyota's display audio

ニュース» 2021年12月30日 14時00分 公開

I want to see Netflix in the car, I want to use Fire TV Stick!I want to play with game consoles!An external input terminal addition kit that you want to introduce in such a case appears.It is compatible with Toyota genuine display audio.


I want to use "Fire TV Stick" on a large screen in the car / If I want to connect the game console, add an external input kit

 A new product "VIK-T74" has been added to the VIK series, which allows you to add external input terminals to Toyota's display audio from the data system of automotive after parts general manufacturers.

データシステム「VIK-T74」 トヨタの純正ディスプレイオーディオに対応

 VIK-T74 is a kit that allows you to add external input terminals to a display audio equipped with a dealer option CD/DVD deck.Up to two AV devices can be connected by the bundled AV selector.This allows you to enjoy video content such as BD players, game consoles, smartphones and tablets with large -screen display audio as desired.

 If you combine the HDMI conversion adapter "HDMI433" and Fire TV Stick, you can use Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Dazn, YouTube, etc. via Fire TV Stick.You will be able to enjoy video content freely in the car.




外部機器をディスプレイオーディオに映し出せる。Fire TV stickを使えば、プライムビデオやNetflixなどが大画面で楽しめる [写真タップで拡大]文/まとめ:自家用車編集部(初出:2021年11月24日)※本記事の内容はオリジナルサイト公開日時点のものであり、将来にわたってその真正性を保証するものでないこと、公開後の時間経過等に伴って内容に不備が生じる可能性があることをご了承ください。※特別な表記がないかぎり、価格情報は税込です。

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