Ehime-based girl band "Takeyama 3.5" Hinaho Takeda, graduation album "Treasure"

Ehime-based girl band "Takeyama 3.5" Hinaho Takeda, graduation album "Treasure"

Takeyama, a girl band based in Ehime 3.5

Takeyama 3.5, a girl band based in Ehime Prefecture

Takeyama 3.5 at the press conference for "Graduate Al Mobile"

On the 22nd, the Ehime prefecture-based girl band Takeyama 3.5 (Hinaho Takeda, Haruka Hoshikawa, Honoka Wakita) held a press conference for Daikoro "Graduation Al Mobile" at Grand Cube Osaka in Osaka Prefecture. I attended the meeting. At the event, three members of Takeyama 3.5 talked about their impressions of the product. [Photo] Another cut of the "Takeyama 3.5" members who took the stage at the Graduation Al Mobile event When the MC asked, "What does a graduation album mean to you?" I can't see myself growing while I'm growing up. It's a treasure," he replied. Wakita, the bassist, also said, "It's full of memories of my school days, and when I look back, I can't help but be immersed in those wonderful memories." Hoshikawa, the drummer, said, "When I look back at the graduation album, I think that I can feel strange feelings that I don't usually feel, such as how much time has passed and what she is doing." He said earnestly. "Graduate Mobile" is compatible with devices such as smartphones and tablets, and can add sounds and videos. Data is stored in the cloud, and photos and videos can be freely replaced during school or after graduation. Each student can also create an original album using SNS. We will start accepting orders from April 2022. Hoshikawa, who actually picked up the product, said, "When I actually used it, I was surprised at how easy it was to use, and how many photos and videos I could see. It was like I was watching a movie in which I was the main character. '' he said. Takeda said, ``I have relatives who live far away on an island in Ehime Prefecture, and I can't go see them easily, so I thought I'd like them to see this product once it's made.'' I think the era of 'Graduate Al Mobile' will come.

ENCOUNT Editorial Department

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